Chapter 28 - Chit Chat

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The next morning is a training session for the team, but in the afternoon things are a little more relaxed. We take a walk around the city, before eventually being allowed to do our own thing. Well, our own thing within reason. A few of the girls and I decide to go to a coffee shop, so of course I invite Lottie along. We’ve been texting all day, and we both really only want to see each other, so I meet her a few streets away from the café so we don’t have an audience when we’re finally in each other's presence again. It’s hard to believe I was in the US a couple of weeks ago. It feels like a lifetime since I last saw her.

Our eyes lock as we spot each other, and run. We don’t care that we’re causing chaos on the footpath weaving in and out of people. She throws her arms around me, and I lift her up, spinning her around in a circle.

“Hey Lots. I missed you,” I whisper into her ear.
“I missed you too Maps,” she replies, while putting her feet back on the ground, and a hand under my chin. And then she kisses me right there in the middle of the street. I’m probably grinning like a child at a carnival as I take her hand in mine, but I couldn’t care less.

“So my teammates are, well, they’re probably going to tease us a lot, but they mean well,” I explain as we make the short journey to the coffee place, “sometimes they can get a little carried away, but there’s so much love within the team, and anyone who is connected to any of the team members will be welcomed with open arms.”
She laughs at me, “Mapi, your team could be the most unbearable bunch of people in the world and I wouldn’t mind because I get to be here with you. But, from what I’ve heard, your team is an amazing group.”
“Yeah, they are. They can be a little overwhelming at times though, so I just wanted to make sure you’re prepared.”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” she asks.
“Have I ever told you that I love you more?” I counter.

Just like that we’ve made it to the place, and her hand is still in mine as we walk into the building. I wasn’t sure how confident she’d be after us having to go public with our relationship, and the backlash she received, but it appears she’s alright with us being all relationshipy in public. Maybe it’s the jet lag, or maybe it’s being Spain, but I’m not complaining.

We sit down at the table my friends are at, nicely tucked into the back corner. Two sides are a bench seat, upholstered with fake leather, and then wooden chairs line the other sides. We’re sitting at the edge of the bench seat, Lottie next to Keira, and I’m at the end. Across from us sit Patri and Alexia, with Aitana and Lucy to one side, and Pina and Jana to the other.

“Hey lovebirds,” Patri greets us. Alexia gives her a smack on the shoulder, while I roll my eyes at her, and glance across at Lottie who’s thankfully laughing at this.
“Are you Patri or Pina?” Lots asks. Both of them fake upset.
“How dare you compare us to each other,” Pina exclaims jokingly, “I’m far more talented than Patri is.”
“More like a bigger pain in the arse,” Lucy quips.
Aitana shakes her head before introducing herself, “mucho gusto Carlotta. I’m Aitana.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Lots says. I was a bit worried about the language barrier, but most of us are somewhat bilingual, and if not, we understand enough of the language we don’t speak. (Except Keira, who has a habit of glancing over at Lucy who is a little bit better at picking up languages, to make sure she understands what is going on when we’re not speaking English.)

The girls had already ordered for us, Ale having texted me to ask what we wanted earlier, and soon enough our drinks come.
“So,” Lucy begins, “how long have you known each other?”
“Since Lots was about 4,” I answer.
“And you only just started dating this year?”
“I only just realised I also like girls this year,” Lots admits.
“Ah,” Lucy replies.
“Wait, I’m still confused as to how you’ve known an American girl for so long?” Keira continues the questions.
“I was born in the US,” Lots explains, “but my mother is Spanish, and my father is also half Spanish, so we moved to Spain when I was little. You’d think my Spanish would be better, but we only ever spoke English at home. School was a different story, but I seem to have lost all that I knew over the last 7 years in the states.”
“That explains the accent,” Keria remarks.
“You don’t entirely sound American,” she explains.
“I don’t?” Lottie sounds surprised.
“No, there is a slight hint of Spanish in it,” I tell her.
“Really? Ha, maybe I’m more Spanish than I realise.”

The chatter continues for a while, as everyone jumps from one conversation to another, and soon enough it’s time to head back to our hotels. The girls and I of course, a different place to Lottie. As we make our way out of the door, Ale pulls me to the side.
“If you want to walk her back to her hotel, you have 2 hours. That’s how long I’ll cover for you. If you’re any later you’re on your own,” she whispers.
“Thank you Ale.”
“And don’t tell anyone else I let you get away with this. I trust you Mapi, unlike some of the others.” I swear she glances over at Pina as she says this, but she wouldn’t outright say anything like that.

Walking down streets that lead to hotel rooms seems to be something Lottie and I have spent a lot of our relationship doing. It’s be nice if someday we were just walking down the street to one of our places, or eventually a place we live in together, but for now this will have to do.

“I’ve been thinking about it,” Lottie begins, “and I think I’ve made up my mind.” She doesn’t give me any context, because she knows she doesn’t need to. We’ve both been thinking about this.
“So, what country then?” I ask. I know what’s coming, but that isn’t enough preparation.
“Spain,” she says, and my stomach turns. “Before you say anything Mapi, I know you have morals, and I know you don’t believe in what they’re doing, but this to me means finally accepting who I am as a person. I’m Carlotta Aguila. I’m Spanish. I can be proud of that, and represent my country. Peyton Moore and the United States served me well, but that’s not who I am.”

Everything she says makes so much sense, and I know I said I’d support her with it, but making the decision not to play for Spain wasn’t a light one. It took a lot of consideration and hurt, and now Lottie’s decided she wants to. I can’t tell her not to. This is her decision, but it still hurts.

By the time we get to her hotel I’ve still got an hour and a half until I have to be back at mine, but I don’t stay. I say goodbye to her, give her a kiss, and promise that I’ll see her tomorrow.
“Are you alright?” she asks as I turn to walk away.
“I’m fine,” I say, not looking back. I know as I walk I shouldn’t have done that. I know that I have no right to be angry at her, when I told her that she was able to make her own decision. I just didn’t know how much it would hurt me when she actually made it.

Ale’s face is surprised when she sees me enter the dining room. I walk past her, grab her shoulder, and she stumbles to catch up with my quick pace till we’re far enough away no one can hear.
“Lottie’s decided she’s playing for Spain,” I tell her, as I put my arms around her. She puts her arms around me, stroking my back.
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry. I shouldn’t be angry at her for making this decision!”
“Mapi look at me.” I do as she says. “You can’t control how you feel about something, but you can control how you react.”
“I didn’t react well. I left her outside her hotel and didn’t tell her why I was upset,” I admit.
“Well that needs to be fixed, but not now. Take tonight to process your emotions, and we’ll sort it out in the morning.”
“Okay,” I nod.

Alexia walks me to my room and I lie down on my bed.
“Now,” she says, “I’ll go get you some dinner and bring it to you in a second. Then we can either talk, or watch one of those stupid movies you like.”
“Okay,” I laugh, “we’re definitely watching one of those movies then, because they are not stupid.”
Ale leaves and then it’s only me. Everything has been so great with Lottie so far. I’ve forgotten that relationships also take work. I know I need to support her, and I will explain things to her tomorrow, and make things right.

A/N From Em: Gave Iz more than 24 hours of glory! She deserves all the glory, but may not be so lucky next time. Unfortunately for her she’s writing with someone who has literally nothing going on in their life at the moment. Also wanted to say thank you to everyone who’s read this book. Iz thanks you every chapter, and I’ve never directly said anything to you readers, so a big thank you to everyone. And a thank you to Izzy for letting me write a book with you.

Let's give some love to does1tmatt3r in the comments please <3

Love ya<3

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