10 🔴 Illusion

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Nero surveyed the alpha pairs with an uneasy expression etched across his features. Swallowing hard, he rose to his feet, his gaze fixated on the approaching figures. "He is here," Nero's voice barely rose above a whisper, a tinge of apprehension evident.

The ground beneath them trembled once more, a seismic pulse threatening to rend the earth apart. A sharp, female voice sliced through the tension, demanding attention, "Keeping the king waiting is an offense to the crown. Where is your Luna?" The words hung in the air, laced with authority and a pointed edge.

Osiris's grip on Seraphina tightened, pulling her back slightly for a quick assessment. Finding her unharmed, he released her reluctantly, though concern lingered in his eyes.

"Are you ready?" Osiris inquired softly, extending his hand toward her.

Swallowing a nervous lump in her throat, Seraphina nodded, accepting his hand. "With you, I am as ready as I'll ever be," she replied, her words genuine yet strained after the revelations that had unfolded. Words possessed a peculiar power, capable of twisting meanings and altering perspectives.

Was this one of those pivotal moments? Seraphina couldn't help but ponder.

Before she could delve too deeply into her thoughts, the front door swung open, and Osiris guided them out, hand in hand. Clutching her free hand into a tight fist, she felt her nails biting into the soft palm. A disdainful female voice greeted their presence.

"At last, the alphas have chosen to make themselves present," the voice sneered, its tone laden with a mixture of mockery and disdain.

Osiris scanned what remained of his pack, standing beyond the newly arrived figures. Mothers held their children protectively, and other pack members stared in a mix of awe and fear as the newcomers brandished glittering spears. 

Osiris couldn't help but shudder at the thought of the potential consequences for anyone who ventured too close to those deadly spears. Would it turn them to dust? Or melt them like scalding acid?

"You are much more of a brute than I imagined," a tall, thin male remarked, directing his attention to the two alphas holding hands. "Though, I can see why. Life has given you only its most unfortunate circumstances, hasn't it?"

The ambiguity of the man's tone left Osiris unsure whether he was taunting or expressing sympathy. Nevertheless, he positioned himself between the stranger and Seraphina, his gaze focused on the approaching party.

"Are you King Erix?" Osiris inquired, his eyes fixed on the delicate black crown adorning Erix's curly hair, a single yellow stone capturing his attention within the intricate twists.

King Erix beamed with satisfaction. "I am. And where is this little hellhound of yours?" Erix's gaze shifted from Osiris to Seraphina, who stood in her mate's protective shadow.

Taking a deep breath, Seraphina projected confidence in her thin nightgown. "Ah, there she is! I've been dying to meet you. We have much to discuss and so little time."

"Little time?" Seraphina questioned, a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Well... yes," Erix replied matter-of-factly. "Haven't you heard there is an invasion being put together by a rebel alliance down in Uraco? Those night crawling savages have grown greedy for more human blood."

"Vampires?" Seraphina asked, seeking clarification.

Erix sighed as if recalling something unpleasant. "Sadly, they have hardly become vampires. Vampires are more traditional and forgiving. These vermin are bloodthirsty, lusting for blood."

His nose wrinkled with disgust, a clear indication of the distasteful memories etched in his mind.

"We can discuss the details more thoroughly in private."

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