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Things were different now in a way that left everyone unsure where to start or what to say. The village resembled a near ghost town, with only a few single mothers and their pups. They had no reason to hide, nor did they carry a record they were running from; they were simply mothers trying to make the best out of the little they had.

The crew gathered in Osiris's office, which had gradually been transformed into a shared workspace for the two leading pairs to work together. Unfortunately, Osiris never got the chance to share with Seraphina that he had fixed the place up and provided her with her own desk and workspace.

He had always contemplated creating a special place for her to work when he first became captivated by her. When she retreated into her own desolation, his motivation to finish the office renovation surged. He hoped it would help ground her.

When she first walked into the room she didn't acknowledge the changes. Now, as he gazed at her, he noticed her quick, dismal glances at the rustic cherry wood desk adorned with intricate swirls of gold paint.

"So, now that the pack is taken care of, we need to focus on the next meeting," Osiris began. He hated how quickly he had to transition from one situation to another. It felt never-ending since his parents' death.

"What other meeting?" Seraphina inquired.

The crew exchanged nervous glances. They had all assumed Osiris had mentioned the visit from the King of Fiboros.

"Erix, the King of Fiboros, is coming here, to Hell Fire Peak," Osiris explained. Seraphina raised her eyebrows.

"Hell Fire Peak?" She wanted to discuss the name they touched on earlier during the meeting. Osiris had mentioned the name so smoothly, as if it were the natural choice of words. As far as Seraphina knew, they hadn't officially named this area. "Is that what we're going by now?"

All eyes shifted to Osiris.

"It's not official," He clarified. "We came up with that name when..." He trailed off, searching for the right words.

Devastation struck. Ruin occurred. She wanted to complete his thought.

"...when the pack declared you as their Luna," He continued. "They wanted to name the pack after you in some way." His words struck her into further silence. It wasn't at all what she had expected him to say, but it was meant as a compliment. All she felt, however, was resentment.

They had named this mountain after the murderous version of herself. She hated it. Now it would be a constant reminder.

"Listen," Osiris's voice was much closer to her now, and her eyes darted up to meet his. Sincerity laced his eyes. "If you don't like the name, we can change it."

She snapped, "Change it."

A frown formed at the corners of his mouth, though he didn't press her further. She had just as much say as anyone else in the name, and while he had thought she might like the name, her rejection disappointed him. It'd no doubt hurt their pack. Yet, that was a situation for another time.

Osiris nodded. "The King is coming to Fiboros and will be coming here any day now, and we have to plan for the worst."

"Why the worst?" Ivy asked as she sat on the couch. Desmond handed her the King's letter.

Desmond sighed, leaning back in his chair. "He sent a Hydra up here to personally deliver that," he pointed at the letter wrinkling his nose.

"And we didn't notice they had gotten this close to us?" Aspen challenged. Desmond merely shrugged. "How?"

"I think they were using some sort of masking spell," he explained. "I could smell them in the area, which is what led me all the way out there in the first place, but I didn't see or hear them anywhere. If the King is going to such lengths to see what he can get away with, there isn't much I think he wouldn't do right now."

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