5 🔴 Retribution

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Half of the pack had sought refuge in the human village, driven by unease ignited by the council's impending arrival.

Osiris harbored a deep-seated resentment toward the situation, acknowledging how the council's mere presence cast apprehension over his pack members. Helpless in the face of this uncertainty, he understood the inevitability of the council's visit and, consequently, the necessity of making preparations.

Yet, this very mountain expanse was their sanctuary—a haven for those wronged by society's injustices. It irked him how their collective fear had driven them into hiding.

He was acutely aware that his protective influence was limited by his singular existence. While he'd lay down his life to shield them, he recognized the harsh truth: his capacity was limited to offering them a window to escape should the council opt to round up individuals for trial.

Lost in the labyrinth of his concerns for his pack, Osiris was drawn from his reverie as Seraphina emerged from the bathroom, draped in a simple yet captivating dress.

The sight struck him like a lightning bolt. Ivy's choice of attire had been nothing short of perfect—a harmonious blend of exotic allure and refined elegance.

The crimson fabric of the dress clung to her contours with an almost magnetic pull. Delicate straps suspended the satin material, allowing it to cascade gracefully. The daring neckline traced a path down to her sternum, accentuating the delicate curve of her small breasts.

His gaze trailed down her supple hourglass figure, traversing to her hips where an artfully designed slit revealed a tantalizing glimpse of skin, like a tease. It unveiled a slender leg that descended into a slender ankle, accentuated by gilded heels that twined halfway up her calf.

Osiris scanned his eyes back up her body taking in one last full gaze of his breathtaking mate. It was the most he'd seen of her in weeks. He was going to bask in her beauty if she'd allow him and she was, as she made her way across the room.

She halted before him with a quite gulp. "Did they ever share why they called for a meeting?"

Osiris stared up at her though she steered her eyes far from his own.

There were a million responses he wanted to spit out at her. Some blunt and short others softer and assuring. He didn't know what answer to put together for her.

So he settled for the middle ground. "No, but one can assume it has to do with you and the incident on the mountain." He stood up his large form soaring over her own.

Osiris noticed her nervous tick. Seraphina rolled her bottom lip into her mouth and bit at it. He took this as an opportunity, lifting his fingers to tug gently at her bottom lip, freeing it from her teeth.

His thumb slide across her bottom lip with tenderness. "I won't let anything happen to you. This is just a meeting." He tilted her head up to face him. Her big brown eye conveyed more than just a whirlpool of despair. There was still a spark of life in those depths. "Nothing more, nothing less. They want the whole story."

"And Malacoda hadn't shared that much with them?" She pulled her face free from his touch.

Osiris fought the urge to hold her in place but thought otherwise. "I'm as surprised as you are. I thought he'd jump at the chance to ruin us especially after Philip," He hesitated a moment eyeing Phina. There wasn't a hint of affliction in her features, so Osiris pushed on. "-was killed."

Seraphina look one last glance out the window to the setting sun. "Promise me one thing." She started turning to face him leaving miles of distance between them.

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