Talking with the Bank Manager/Check Up

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"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

Chapter 4: Talking with the Bank Manager/Check Up


Third PoV:

It didn't take long to reach the dark mahogany on walnut wooden door which makes the door look a deep red. Written in the center of the door painted in gold was his family name Potter below it in gold was the family sigil and below that is said Manager Griphook's Office in gold signifying who office it was. All in all Harry could not help but think how the door seemed to be Gryffindor theme all it needed was the Name Gryffindor instead of Potter and needed the Gyffindor sigil instead of his family sigil. The two entered silently the moment Harry came in Griphook shuts the door walks to his desk sits down and gestures to an empty seat.

Griphook-"Have a seat Mr. Potter we have much to discuss."

Harry does as told the moment he sat down Griphook started.

Griphook-"Now Mr.Potter I want to know why you have not answer out letters that we been sending you monthly."

Harry-*confused tilts his head*"I am sorry but what letters sir I have recieve no letters from Gringotts. If I had I assure you I would have responded sir. Only letters I got from magical world is the one I get yearly from Hogwarts, one from the ministry before my second year, ones from my friends during the summer, and one from my godfather this summer. But never from Gringotts I am sorry if you believe I had affended you that was never my intention."

Griphook-*confused*"Mr.Potter we have been sending you monthly audits since your 10th birthday. When you arrived the first time your old manager the one who I had taken over from had wanted to speak with you  but Hagrid had dragged you off rather quickly the one who was your manager before me was my father however, he died a few months back in a duel of honor I had taken over since then."

Harry-" I am sorry for your loss sir. Also I would have gladly stop to talk with him had I known to be honest sir I thought I only had a trust vault until recently. It was thanks to my Occlumency training  that I vagually remember back when I was a baby mom and dad sometimes brought me along to talk with your father. Also I assure you sir I have no knowledge of any letters had I known of any I would have responded as I would never wish to insult you or your noble kin. I remember that Potter's are friend to the goblins so I would never wish to dishonor that."

Griphook-"Mr.Potter who is your magical guardian."

Harry-"Magical Guardian?"

Griphook-"Yes a Magical Guardian it is the person who watches over a child with no parents. They are supposed to teach them of the Magical World."

Harry-'Strange I did not know that and Voldemort did not have one as far I know since he had stayed in the orphanage until he was of age then he took his uncle cottage.' "Um when are they supposed to check up on me sir?"

Griphook-"Check up On you? *Harry nods* Mr.Potter your supposed to be living with them."

Harry-"Um sir up until yesterday I been living with my muggle relatives."

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