The Letters

376 22 3

"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

Chapter 2: The Letters


Third PoV:

It has been 2 days now since Harry and Hermione rescued Sirius Black from receiving a dementor kiss. Right now Sirius can be seen laying silently on a private beach getting a tan. While he lays there tanning he thinks about the past year, more specifically about the last few days. He had finally met his godson! He couldn't get over how he looked like James but with Lily's eyes. He also noticed how his godson seemed a lot like James even though Harry didn't grow up with his parents. It had been a great surprise to him that somehow Harry had managed to get his hands on the Marader's Map, but nothing had prepared him for what happened next. Just when he had thought it was all over, that he was about to have his soul sucked out by a dementor, Harry and his brilliant friend Hermione who reminded Sirius so much of Lily in all but looks had rescued him on Buckbeak.

Silently he wondered if it should have been the other way around. That the adults should have rescued the children. But then again, he always knew Harry wasn't an ordinary child. He'd never forget the day James had confided the prophecy to him. That same prophecy cost the death of his two best friends and the sanity of two very close friends. However, at the moment Sirius didn't want to think about that right now. Sirius had enough time to think of his two best friends deaths for the last 10½ years he was in Azkaban thanks to the blasted dementors. What he wanted to think about was the prophecy. He wondered if Dumbledore had told his godson about it. Scowling, he realized that the Headmaster wouldn't want to burden that child with the truth, instead letting him live in ignorant bliss until one day he's attacked unprepared and murdered. That boy was destined to duel Voldemort, yet he probably hasn't even been taught to duel properly. It was right then and there Sirius Black decided to take matters into his own hands.


It was early morning, it had been a few days now since Harry and his female best friend had saved his godfather with the help of Buckbeak and two days since Harry found that amulet that had cause much change. For the past two nights Harry has seen through all of the dark lord's memories when he sleeps living through them as if he was Tom himself Harry was not sure how but he had all of Tom's memories and knowledge thanks to the magical amulet. It was thanks to Tom's memories he fingured out how he was still alive and it was all because he made Horcruxs. It was also through the memories and because of his smarts he realized that he was accidentally made into a Horcrux the night the dark lord tried to kill him. His death was supposed to power the ritual to turn his own wand into a Horcrux. Along with seeing through the dark lords memories and having his knowledge Harry also awaken quite a few abilities he believed had been laying dormant with in his body. For the past few days Harry been organizing Voldemort's memories  training in Occlumency with the help of the dark lord knowledge. Along with training in Occlumency Harry has been doing more physical training. Aside from physical training and Occlumency training Harry practices his Metamorphagus ability that he found out he had. For the last two days it had been hectic with him balancing his training, going to his secret hide out to work on his bike, earn some money by doing some jobs for some the neighbors, reading his mom's diary, and going to the public library few blocks from the Dursley's home. Like every summer Harry missed Hogwarts terribly whenever he was in this house. Though this summer wasn't as bad as the others since Sirius had escaped Azkaban Harry's relatives were scared that he would visit. So the Dursley's had just taken to ignoring him not even making him do chores this summer. Right now Harry can be seen lying in bed sleeping when he hears a tapping at the window.

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