Arriving at Gringotts

308 22 4

"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

Chapter 3:   Arriving at Gringotts


Third PoV:

Harry woke up a few hours later after the fire. In his hidden cave, Harry rubs his eyes as he climbs out of his cot stretching. As Harry stretches he uses magic to clean and freshen him up as though he already brushed his teeth and showered. Harry learned the spell to deal with morning breathe after being roomates with Ron which he been using since  his first year. As for the spell to keep himself clean and not needing a shower he learned that from the hogwarts library in second year. He of course did it all wandlessly which he been practicing for the last two days since seeing the dark lords memories. Harry eats his last MRE before he starts packing everything up since he will be leaving private drive and be going to the place Sirius mentioned in his letter. Harry plan to take his inheritance test claiming his titles while also going shopping. After that he plans to go to Grimwald's place and thurally clean it. After finishing his last MRE he packed it up to be thrown away. After that he changed his clothes then pack up everything using his magic wandlessly and wordlessly. He magically shrunk his various things and put them all in his rucksack. After everything but the motorcycle was in the the rucksack he shrunk the bag putting it in the motorcycle bag. It has been a 36 hours since Harry had got the motorcycle running well enough. 

He been tuning it and practicing riding it since. He has been doing it when he could manage to sneak out to do so and used his metamorphagus ability to change his looks so he could practice riding with out being reconized. Surprisingly Harry was a natural at it so he plans to use it for transportation later after he does to magical enchantments on it and maybe get a backup bike. Harry shunk the bike pocketing it and headed out the cave carring his trash with him that he deposites into a trash can before calling the night bus. Harry saw no point in using his metamorphmagus ability to bored the night bus since his looks have changed so much. Harry used to be scrawny with a little muscle thanks to quiditch, with short unruly thick loose curly brown hair, pale skin, upper body littered with scars, standing at 4'7 was under weight for his age, wore wired frame glasses, round but slim face, he had oval shaped emerald green eyes, and his famous lightning bolt scar which was was small and jagged looking red and iritated as the night he got it as if it never fully healed in the last 13 years. Now he stands at 5'3, has vibrant tan that the Potter family is known for but is a shade or two lighter then his father had so it a blend of his mother's pale skin and his father's dark tan skin, he no longer looks undernuished in fact he seems a little more muscular though was still littered with scars from the years of abuse from the dursleys (A/N: I know I said he no longer had them after he had put on the amulet but the reason was he subconiously used his newly unlocked metamorphmagus ability by hoping that his greatest shame his scars from the time the Dursleys abused him), other changes was his hair as he now has slightly longer thick straight silky partly tamable still slightly unruly black hair that looks so black it reminds Harry of a night sky with out a moon or stars to be seen, he no longer needs glasses, his once emerald green eyes were now grey but still oval shape, his cheekbones were higher his jaw square giving him a little more aristicratic and regal look, his nose was straighter then ever showing no signs of it being broken in the past anymore, and finally his famous scar was still there on his head covered by his bangs but if he moves his bangs you can make out the now looks like a slightly larger straight lightning bolt scar that looks fully healed and slightly more faded but still sticks out against his tan skin since the scar is white. 

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