𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 - 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒖𝒔 𝑺𝒏𝒐𝒘

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The last time Snow had worn a tuxedo as lavish as the one he wore at the moment was at least years ago when the Snow family had been one of the richest families. The black was made of silk based on observations he had made. Silk that belonged to one of the top families in the Capitol.

"What is your family name?" Snow asked, turning away from the mirror as Prong entered the room.

"Why?" The boy himself wore a blue tuxedo with a blue tie to match. He wore golden earrings that adorned his ears and golden butterflies that trailed down his tux shirt.

"How did you get your hands on silk like this?"

"I just found it in the back of my closet," Prong said with a shrug. "You can keep it."

Snow narrowed his eyes. "This could've fed a whole family. Have you ever thought of that?" Snow recoiled in a flash. What had he been thinking? This was the Capitol. The districts had had too much of an effect on him.

"This is the Capitol, no one is poor here. only the best live here." Prong said, dusting off Snow's shoulders. "You wouldn't know though, you're in one of the top families of the Capitol. Your grandmother and cousin are well taken care of, they were moved to The Wondering Pony."

Prong handed Snow golden cuff links. "I trust you know how to put these on? Let's go, the party has already started."

Snow nodded, pocketing the cuff links in the little pocket in his suit. "Where is Lucy Gray?"

"She was already at the party, hours ago. She went with my friend, Dawn. Don't worry, she won't be recognized if that's your concern, she's dressed pretty nicely." Prong opened the door, following Snow out the door.

Snow let out a little sigh, relieved. "Okay but now where do we go?"

"Follow me," Prong walked down the stairs, leading to the lobby.


The party was lit mostly by candles. Trying to save the power? Snow guessed. He shrugged his way through the crowd, careful not to draw attention to himself. Prong had left to catch up with his classmates, explaining to them why he had gone missing in the morning.

Tall white pillars held silks that covered the top of the tent. Party streamers were thrown everywhere and people, perhaps thousands, filled the tent. No peacekeepers were seen, releasing the tension off Snow's chest.

Laughter and shouting surrounded Snow overwhelmingly. There had never been such lavish parties during his time in the Capitol. Certainly, not silks lining the rooms with dancing and singing.

Snow looked around, scanning the room for Lucy Gray. Where is she? The dim lights weren't helping him as he was pushed around. When he arrived next to the concession stand, he took a drink, instantly regretting it as the taste left a bitter sting.

He contemplated calling her name out but knew that he would never find her in the sea of colors. Everyone at the party had dressed in costumes, looking close to clowns with makeup.

What had this academy become?

Snow thought he had only left for a few months but the state that the Capitol was in was shocking.

"Snow," A voice whispered, "Over here!"

A women in a blue and white feathered dress beckoned him over from the distance. "Over here!"

"Wow," Snow said, walking over. "You look stunning!"

Lucy Gray glanced up, giving a small smile. "The dress is poofy."

"You look great." A long pause passed between them. "How about a dance-"

The room was engulfed in darkness as the candles flickered out, leaving nothing but the sound of a spotlight illuminating the stage behind the red curtains.

A movie screen slid down from the ceiling, showcasing a video. As soon as the screen landed on the stage, the video started playing with the Capitol's emblem. Lucky Flickerman's face showed on the screen, his glittering smile filling the room. He stood and took a bow, mesmerizing the crowd with his charm.

"Salute to Panem! Hail the Capitol! Today we remind you of the devastating cause of the rebel attacks. They have pushed us around too far! The President, bless his heart, has decided to take action against the Capitols! He has deemed that the districts had not learned their lesson, and we shall push out peacekeepers to capture anyone that defies us. Any rebels seen will be shot, killed, or taken prisoner back to the Capitol. Let this serve as a reminder to the districts who have supported them and led them to this new age!"

Snow turned around, scanning for Prong. When his eyes landed on the boy, his face tensed. Prong looked sick and worried at the same time. He had planned to go after the District 12 rebels, but this new policy would mean that he would never get his revenge. Prong turned slightly to meet Snow's eyes and beckoned his head toward the exit.

Snow grabbed Lucy Gray's hand, navigating his way through the people. The screen blared in the background:

"After the districts are suppressed, we shall look for the rebel who could have been the main cause of this rebellion: Lucy Gray Baird!"

Lucy Gray turned her head at the shout of her name, face pale.

"During her time at the Hunger Games, she had made such outrageous commentary to make! We shall blame this all on her! Before, the Capitol was in order, but what had happened after? This is what happens when we give a district the spotlight! They try to stay in it as long as possible! Another target!"

Lucy Flickerman said, looking at the people one by one as if he were there. "Is none other than the name, the forbidden name, the name that has been once highly raised! Who is it you may ask? It is none other than Coriolanus Snow! Son of House Snow! He had cheated and scammed the Capitol, running towards the district to find his songbird!"

Snow looked at the screen, anger pulsing in his veins. "Come on, Lucy Gray, this isn't worth our time." He tugged her hand and out of the tent as Lucky Flickerman continued talking.

When the two had walked out of the tent successfully, Lucy Gray crumpled to the floor, sobbing. "They're going to go after my family, Coriolanus! They're going to go after everyone's family!"

"She's right. They're going after the rebels." Prong said, walking out of the shadows. "I probably won't get to the rebels in time. The peacekeepers will most likely get there first."

"What about the Capitol?"

"They'll shut this place down, for security matters," Prong said, shaking his head. "I can't get out of here."

"If we go now then we probably can," Snow said, placing a firm hand on Prong's shoulder.

"You're right," Prong stood up, meeting Snow's eyes. "But what about your grandmother and Tigris? Aren't you here to see them?"

Pain flashed in Snow's eyes but he quickly shook it off. "It's okay-"

A sudden boom sent the three flying across the field. Car windows shattered under the deafening sound and crumbled under the debris. As the heat seared through the tuxedo, Snow screamed in agony, feeling the burn through his white undershirt. Screams followed after his, as people started running out of what remained of the tent. Some people were lit on fire and others were lying still on the ground.

Multiple voices from above laughed, screaming,

"How's the party?"

"Welcome to the districts!"

"You're like one of us now!"

"Hope the Capitol can help you on this one!"

Snow stared into the skies, letting the heat engulf him. How did I get like this? Months ago I had everything, but now I have nothing.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑼𝒔Where stories live. Discover now