𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒑 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 - 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒖𝒔 𝑺𝒏𝒐𝒘

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Maybe it was the constant reminder that Snow couldn't go home. Home in the Capitol. But at least he was with Lucy Gray, which made him confident in his choices. It had bothered him to be alone but he trusted his companion. She had gone out earlier to pick up katniss earlier but she hadn't returned in a very long time.

Snow's feet began to shuffle, surely, surely she would not go. Unsure, Snow pulled the gun closer to his body as he walked out of the cabin and back into the murky forest, rain splattering one by one on his back. "Lucy Gray?" He called, looking around hopelessly. "Lucy Gray? Are you hiding from me? Lucy Gray!" He then spotted a small cloth that looked identical to one of the orange scarf that he had given to Lucy Gray. Putting his gun aside, he slowly picked up the cloth. A snake quickly jumped up at him and left an angry mark. Snow stifled his screams as the bite started to take effect. "Lucy Gray, are you trying to kill me?! LUCY GRAY!" Feet shuffled nearby, across the leaves and closer to Snow.

He jumped to his feet with his gun. "Lucy Gray, where are you." He wandered off blindly into the forest, gun loaded. Snow then crumpled to the floor and let out heavy sobs as the birds above echoed "Lucy Gray!" in the same furious tone. The steps started sounding louder and louder as a slim figure came into view in between his tears. "Coryo? What are you doing? I told you to wait in the cabin, I was just getting katniss!" Lucy Gray exclaimed, her hair cascading over her shoulder as she leaned forward.

She took a glance at the birds above, hearing them echo her name. "What's happened with them?" Lucy Gray glanced down and looked in alarm as Snow had fallen over, showing the effect of the snake bite. "CORYO!" She shook his body before dropping the katniss she had gathered. Lucy Gray had then carried him the best she could back to the cabin, dropping him a few times on her way back. "Lucy Gray?" he mumbled as she carried him back. "Yes Coryo, I'm here, don't worry I'm here now." A sigh escaped his lips as his pulse started to drop.

Lucy Gray soon after returned to the cabin, dropping Snow onto a table and quickly running out to grab any sort of herbs to help. Eventually, she had to resort to only bandaging the wound as nothing else helpful could be found. She watched in sadness as Snow's breaths grew more shallow and his words no longer responsive. Outside, birds squawked "Lucy Gray! Lucy Gray!" as she herself sat helpless next to Snow, desperately hoping for a miracle. She hummed a soft song for Snow, holding his hand. 

Far from the Capital
sits the fallen snowflake
no one to love
no one to lose

I give you this songbird
who brings me this warmth
oh what a pity
oh what a pity
the songbird left the very next day

I bring you this song
my family dear
please do not mourn for I am far from home
home where I must return~

A tear slid down Lucy Grays's cheek as she hummed the song over and over again through the night. She knew snow was never made for a district, district 12 nonetheless, but hope had carried her through an unrealistic fantasy. A fantasy only the rich could think of. Running away from the Capitol, the districts, the peacekeepers, and their own selves.

Lucy Gray sobbed as she mourned for the people and for the truth that Snow had hidden from her. She knew that he had killed 3 people but she ignored it, hoping it had been false, wanting to believe something that could never happen, a dream, a spark, a hope. She waited by Snow's side until the sun rose once again, knowing how long she had slept, only being awoken by a sudden tap on her forehead.

"Lucy Gray." a small voice said. Lucy Gray looked up and took in a smile from Snow, a small happy smile that warmed her heart. "Coryo," she whispered back. Snow took her in his arms as he wanted to remember everything about her. "real or not real?" he murmured into her hair. "real." Lucy Gray replied. Snow let out a happy sigh and soon laid back down, content with the answer.

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