𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒕 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆 - 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒖𝒔 𝑺𝒏𝒐𝒘

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"This is probably enough right?" Lucy Gray asked, looking at the small bag.

"Yes," Snow said, moving from room to room, gathering things. "It's just a train ride, we can pick up things along the way."

"Where would we go to?"

Snow stopped in his tracks, thinking of what to say. "There's a city on the outskirts of District 11 that we could go to."

Lucy Gray let out a happy sigh, "As long it's not the Capitol."

Snow looked over his shoulder, walking over to Lucy Gray. He put down his luggage and held her hand, looking deeply into her eyes. He opened his mouth, debating whether or not to talk to her. "It'll work out, Lucy Gray, leave it to me."

Lucy Gray nodded, grabbing her small bag full of things she had gathered when she first ran away from District 12.

"Let's go," Snow said, extending his hand for her to grab. Lucy Gray gladly took the hand, picking up Snow's bag. 

"I got it," Snow said, grabbing the bags from her. 

Together, the two walked carefully walked through the trees, watching out for peacekeepers. Then, they walked through District 12, with heads down, avoiding any interactions. 

Snow walked down the same path to the train as when he first landed in District 12 as a peacekeeper. He squeezed Lucy Gray's hand, making sure she was still there. She glanced up, giving him a small smile.

"Hey!" A voice shouted. "Ain't that Lucy Gray?"

Lucy Gray's head shot up. "We forgot the hats!" She whispered through her teeth.

"It's okay, Lucy Gray, calm down, walk faster," Snow said, panic building up inside of him.

"Lucy Gray!" The voice called again. "Sing for me! Lucy Gray!"

"Tommy! What if that's not her?"

"Look at her dress, Jesse! Only Lucy Gray wears those weird dresses!" Tommy shouted, pointing at Lucy Gray. "Lucy Gray! Sing me a song!"

"Cut it out, Tommy!" Jesse shouted.

"Stop! Peacekeepers said that there was a bounty on her. Wait who's next to her? Is that the Capitol boy? CAPITOL BOY!" Tommy shouted.

"Tommy! Please! Stop!" Jesse said, pulling on the boy's arm.

Lucy Gray and Snow quickened their pace. "Come on, Lucy Gray, the tracks are just a few minutes away." Snow grumbled under his breath.

"Stop right there! In the name of the Capitol, stop!" A nearby peacekeeper yelled. "You two! Stop!"

"Lucy Gray, run!" He shouted. 

The two dashed down the district, past factories and people. 

"Stop right there!" The peacekeeper yelled, running after the two. "Bring backup! We have runaways!"

Snow slowly ran out of breath, breathing hard, but he pushed through, thinking of Tigris, Lucy Gray, and his future life. 

"Snow," Lucy Gray said, panting. "I can't go any further." She started slowing down, but Snow pushed her in front of him, gently guiding her toward the tracks.

"Don't stop, Lucy Gray, don't stop," Snow said, his heart beating rapidly.

Snow finally felt the soft ground of grass, leaving behind the rough, concrete floors. "We're here!" He pointed at the connected racks of the train. "Go to that one!" He shouted, looking at an open doored train rack. 

"Stop!" The peacekeepers yelled, aiming their guns to their heads and firing. "Stop now and accept punishment! If not we will shoot you!"

"GO! GO!" Snow shouted, pushing Lucy Gray in front of him. She jumped into the open train, tumbling as the train started moving. 

"Snow!" She shouted, extending her hand.

Snow ran faster than he'd ever had before, chasing after the train. "Lucy Gray!" He reached out his hand as the train rushed faster and faster. He finally grabbed her hand after multiple failed attempts, and slowly gained speed.

But then, their hands let go, and Snow fell into the grass face-first, dirtying his white shirt. "No!" He pushed himself up and chased once again after the train. Out of the corner of his eye, Snow noticed an iron ladder and waited until it passed him. When the ladder passed, he quickly grabbed onto it, wind splattering across his face.

The sky thundered, turning the skies grey, and small drops of rain started to sprinkle onto the ladder. Snow watched as his grip started to slip from the ladder, panic settling in.

"Snow!" Lucy Gray called from two carts down. "Get into a cart!"

Snow looked at the nearest cart and then looked down. The floor below rushed quickly below him, increasing his heart rate.

I need to jump, he realized, looking again at the nearest cart with open doors. He took a deep breath, praying that his journey wouldn't end here.

And he jumped.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑼𝒔Where stories live. Discover now