May May Didn't Get Her Berries

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"Anyway, did you get any of the berries I got? I want to eat my spoils." I say eagerly as I look around, but there were no monsterous red berries in sight.

I slowly turn to Nightmare, sockets wide as I slowly realize. "You... we didn't get any of the berries did we?"

Nini winces as he nervously plays with the cuff of his sleeves.

"After all the trouble I went through to get them- I almost got mauled by a bear for them, and we didn't bring any! Aaaah ha ha." I wail miserably.

"They're just berries, we can go next time we go into the forest okay?" Nightmare says gently, with a nervous tilt in his voice, trying to appease me.

"R-really? Even with that bear still on the loose? What if it comes back for me?" I sniff.

"If it didn't learn its lesson I'll just attack it with my magic again. That'll send it running away in no time." Nightmare huffs.

"Can you even make those attacks again?" I ask.

"Uh- yeah, I can! I just got to recover my magic is all." He nods, full of confidence.

"Hm alright. But speaking of magic, how are you holding up?" I ask.

Nightmare blinks for a moment. "Huh? Oh, I feel fine. A bit tired but fine." He shrugs.

I raise a disbelieving brow at that. "Yeah, why don't I believe you?"

He huffs. "Really, I'm okay. I just need more sleep and I'll be good. You don't have to be that worked up about it."

"Yeah, but you're the one who rained down your fury on it with your magic. All that energy used up in one go can't be good to your health. Especially when your so inexperienced with it. I mean look at you-" I reach out and grab a hold of his hand, taking a good look at it.

"Your shell is still paler than usual, did you use up your reserves in one go?" I frown as I slowly rub his knuckles, taking note of the chalky residue that was coming off.

Nightmare looks down, also noticing the residue as he stammers out, "I- I think so. I do feel more tired than usual, but other than that I feel fine."

"So this doesn't hurt you?" I apply more pressure to my strokes as more white powder comes off.

"No. It feels weird though, kind of ticklish." Nightmare notes.

"You sure?" I ask again.

"Positive." He reassures me.

"Good, good." I nod as I gently brush the remnants off, seeing as how it wasn't painful or causing any brittleness, I could only chalk it up to this being some weird skeleton thing that I don't know about.

"How about you?" Nightmare asks.

"I'm doing great, in fact, I actually feel more rested this morning, more awake too." I smile.

Nightmare perks up at that. "Really? That is good then, after so many restless nights, I was beginning to get worried." Nightmare finishes with a frown.

I wince. "Ah, sorry about that. The dreams I've been having haven't exactly been... Nice." I rub the back of my neck as I look to the side.

He nods, face full of pity. "I can tell, I'm always feeling you being so sad or angry at something before you wake up." Nightmare says softly.

I knew it, so Nini can sense my emotions. Why haven't I been able to feel his though? I tilt my head in confusion.

"Yeah... I don't know why but I've been getting a lot of dreams where people are dying or being killed. I'm getting tired of being unable to do anything about it." I huff as I cross my arms.

"That's strange, I've been getting similar dreams too. Is there always a battle between two groups?" Nini asks.

I blink, honestly caught off guard that he's also been having similar dreams I've been having.

But how similar though? I've been dreaming of different versions of Dream and Nightmare going at each others throats. Is he dreaming of the same thing? I think worriedly, not sure what to feel about that.

"I mean kind of? Its always a fight between two siblings." I say vaguely.

He frowns. "That's weird, I always get dreams of war or battles. Like- in the ocean on some ships, or on land. Its also with what I think are monsters going against uh... humans?" His brows narrow as he tries to think, before nodding.

"Yeah, it was humans." He reaffirms.

Oh thank god-

"That's so weird. And are you like- participating in the battles yourself or just watching them?" I ask.

"Sometimes I'm in the fight, though somewhere far off where there's only a few of them, and sometimes I'll be watching it on the ground, injured, or seen as dead. Its weird." He frowns.

I furrow my brows at that. "Huh, I never fought in the battles with mine."

"Then what do you do?"

"I'm usually up in the air, watching as the whole thing plays out." I shrug.

"Weird." Nini mumbles.

I nod. "Definitely weird."

We stay silent for a bit. "Soooo... what are we going to do today? Cause I doubt you'd want to go back with me to get the berries." I say lightly.

"Um, I rather us not go into the forest to get your berries anytime soon. Can we just stay here- with me holding you?" Nightmare says shyly.

I blink, before giving him a small smile. "Sure! We can just go cloud watching today, or play I spy while holding hands. I don't mind."

He nods, a small smile on his face as he offers his hand.

"Yeah, that sounds nice."


This was a deleted scene I just put back in Chapter 22- Bond, it's here for those who haven't reread the chapter as its fairly new.

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