Challe Special

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Hey guys!! sorry for the late update! I have exams. I know u might be wondering how many exam sets I have in a year... The ans is.... 7 in 1 year. hehe. It sucks ik. well... I didn't get many votes for the previous note I sent but I am nice so I still did a challe special. In this chapter, challe is in the real world...with us. Now sit back and enjoy!

"Finally! I am done studying!" I say, stretching my body and yawning. It was only 8pm so I decided to go down an play. Challe had gone out with anne to run some errands and honestly, I was jealous as fuck. (Obviously he is my challe)

So... I decided to act more close to my guyfriends in front of him to see how he would react. (hehe)

I went downstairs to see my friends playing volleyball. As usual, I was the only girl. yay. They had a habit of calling my shortie since i was only 5'5. oof.

"Sup. Mind if I join?" I ask.

"sure. Y not? But we might play football after this." Richard answers. 

"Meh. I am fine with anything." I say, shrugging.

"think fast!" he suddenly says, throwing the ball at my face. *admit it, every friend does that*

"W-WHAT DA FUCK!?" I yelp, shielding face and embracing for a hit. But...It never came.

I open my eyes to see a gloved arm holding the volleyball that was gonna hit my face just inches away.

The hand drops the ball. I turn to see that it was challe glaring at richard.

"If...She gets even a single scratch..." He says menacingly, taking the glove off his one hand and walking behind me.

"C-challe it's fine. They just-" Before I could proceed my *words of wisdom*, challe grabs my waist from behind and puts two fingers of his in my mouth to shut me up. 

"I will make sure to end that pathetic life of urs." He completes as i stand there hopelessly, my back pressed against his body and his arms gripping my waist to keep me from moving. his two bare fingers (obviously of his other hand if u didn't know...I should stop breaking the fourth wall...) in my mouth as he played a bit with my tongue. I was flustered and dying from internal embarressment and being...I have no idea wut by a handsome man. I was dying ppl. My cheeks were like a tomato! Halp!

My guyfriends stood there in awe and as they snapped to reality, they snickered and apologised (Two words that shouldn't be together) and then they left. fuck.them. 

Challe looks down at my flustered self and smirks. He picks me up bridal-style and takes me between the alleys of the buildings...

Wanna know wut happens next my loves??? Maybeeeeee....I will make another part. I am kidding I will make another part. i am rlly sorry for not updating again. I love ya'll and hope u die in the lovely suspense I have kept for u. sry that the this chapter is so short! Till the next spicy chapter. Byeee!!

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