um... the other part of episode one? 1.6?

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B-before u all kill me...I am soo sorry for not updating! I have no excuse. Let's get on with the story.

We had apparently found a dark, dingey place to sit it. I was sitting on horse hay, staring at the stars as anne hands me an apple and a cup of tea. She does the same for challe.

"The journey is long, so i will count on u sir warrior fairy..." Anne says, sitting down.

He doesn't respond. Anne's gaze shifts to his wing as she tries to touch it.

"Don't u dare! Other than the one in ur hand, everything else is mine!" He says, his gaze darkening.

"Hey! she is just a kid!" I blurt out.

"Oh rlly? And wut r u? A fairy?" He says sarcastically. I don't respond. I just glare at him.

"U know wut? Imma call u crow face! ur so fucking mean!" I say, frowning.

"wutever, dumb raven." He says smirking. 

'i wanna punch his hot face...' I think, clutching my fist.

"anne. How bout I take challe's wing for the night just incase?" I ask, wanting to piss him off. My voice having a certain edge.

"O-oh? s-sure." She says as I hang his wing on my neck.

"Goodnight both of u!" I say, lying down and getting some shut eye.

                                                (Timeskip anne's dumb dream that was too long to type)

I wake up in a daze after dreaming about cake just to see challe inches from my face, his hand near my neck. I just lie there, frozen. Then i scream.

"W-WUT IN THE FUCKING HELL! WUT DA FUCK R U DOING!" I yell, somehow riggling out of his grasp. "U WERE TRYING TO TAKE UR WING! I TOLD U! I HATE U BUT EVEN I INTEND ON GIVING UR WING BACK AFTER THIS JOURNEY! EVEN I WANNA GET RID OF U SO STOP!!" I yell, panicking as my mind kept wandering to our position.

"Just one more step..." he says.

"D-DID U JUST IGNORE ME CROW FACE?" I try to calm myself down so that anne doesn't wake up.

"P-pls challe. It may not seem like it but even I want to be ur friend. not master or someone who controls u. and yet..." I say, truthfully.

He walks towards me... "W-wut r u d-...."

and pins me onto the cart.

"Friend? Does a friend hold the friends life hostage?" He say, face close to mine. I gasp.

"I was bought by u. I am slaved by u. I cannot be ur friend."

His words were like knives of realization that had hit me. I just stood there, consumed by guilt and partially thankful I hadn't been caught as a fairy. Instead of pushing him away like how anne did in the episode, I just stood there, silently.

"i-i am so sorry. I have been saying such stupid things. I am such a dumbass to just realise that as long as I hold ur wing, I am holding u hostage. I am sorry. but...I won't be letting my guard down for as long as I have ur wing. I hate to say this, but I...i mean we need u. alot right now." I finally say, spreading my blanket and then rolling in it. Wut I didn't realise that his eyes had widened in shock at my words. Then looking at my blanket-taco state, he chuckles.

"So now ur a caterpillar?"

"Dumb raven is fine thank u." I say, pouting.

"Tho I am saying this again, I promise I will return ur wing as soon as we reach Lewston. Then I will ask if u wanna be friends or not. Until then I am...I am...ur master. I say, the last words hurting my heart.

Sugar Apple Fairy tale Challe Fen Challe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now