For the Whole World

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Rapunzel sat there at the now frozen fountain, trying to keep Varian under control. 

"Snowing? It's snowing?! The queen has cursed this land!" the Duke muttered. He turned to his guards. "You. You must find her." 

"Wait!" that voice was familiar, Rapunzel thought. Princess Anna. 

The Duke points a finger at Anna's chest. "You? Is there sorcery in you too? Does it run in your family? Are all your relatives cursed?" 

Anna throws her hands up. "No. No, I'm completely ordinary." 

He scans her like a teacher reading an essay. "Right you the best way possible." 

Anna's eyes narrow, hands clenching into fists. "And my sister's not a monster." 

Varian breathed heavily. If they knew, would they treat him the same? Would they treat him like a monster? 

But you are a monster, a tiny voice he had always heard and shunned out, said in his mind. A voice that sounded so much like him and yet so different. The Princess only forgave you out of pity. Did you ever think that you were friends?

A tiny spike of ice starts to rise next to him. Eugene yelps and cut it off with his sword before anyone could notice. 

See? Monsters have to remain hidden. Monsters have to be covered up as people with hearts--


Eugene budged in between him and Rapunzel, putting his sword back in its sheath. "Varian? Are you okay? What happened over there, bud?" 

"Nope. Everything's fine." his eye twitched and a new spike of ice jutted out behind him. Eugene raises an eyebrow. 

"Whatever's on your mind, kid, you can tell the second member of Team Awesome." 

"Hey, I'm not a kid anymore, I'm turning eighteen in 8 months!"

Eugene smiles. "Force of habit." 

"Elsa's not dangerous. I'll bring her back, I'll make this right." Anna says as she rode onto a horse. Rapunzel shuddered as she remembered a similar promise she made less than a year ago. 

Rapunzel stands up. "I'm coming with you." 

Anna blinks. "Princess Rapunzel, this is all my fault, you have nothing to do with any of this. I don't want to drag you along into possible danger." 

"I don't care whose fault this is, all I want is to help."

Eugene and Varian stand up. "Anna, she's my friend. I care for her too." 

Anna looks at them, as if looking for proof that this was a joke. She turned away and spoke to the servant. "Two more horses, please." 


Eugene climbs onto the palomino horse's back. "C'mon, Varian, Team Awesome rides together." Varian had always wanted his own horse, but because he was so skinny he could always ride with someone else,so he never really needed one. He slipped in in front of Eugene. 

Anna turns to the crowd. "I leave Prince Hans in charge." 

Hans' hands slip into hers. "Are you sure you can trust her? I don't want you getting hurt." 

Anna inhales sharply. "I'm her sister. She won't hurt me." Anna look ls to her right and sees Rapunzel's determined face. She nods and they go, the reins of the horses snapping. 

The Duke of Weselton turns to his guards. "Follow them, and watch out for the engineer. He could be even more dangerous than I could have ever imagined."

(believe it or not, Duke of weaseltown, that boy is capable of kidnapping the royal family, attempted regicide, treason, and much more you don't want to know. ;) 

(thank y'all!) 

A Heart Cold as Ice (Freeze these Broken Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now