A Description

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'If only I knew what he looked like...'

Then, out of nowhere Shin jumped up,

"Wait a minute!"

"What is it!?" Goku, Kibito and Elder Kai all said in unison, startled by this sudden act from Shin.

Shin ignored them and ran to the palace, Goku not far behind.

"Supreme Kai wait up!"

Shin ran through the doors and darted straight to the library. Goku followed in behind him and stopped only when Shin did.

"Supreme Kai, what's wrong? What was that?!" Goku said panting.

Shin flew to a higher shelf and pulled an old book off of it, then levitating back to the ground in front of Goku.

"In this book..." Shin said softly.

He handed the book to Goku.

"'Once a Kai'?"

"It's the book we were talking about, the one Zephyr's in." Shin said.

He then took the book out of Goku's hands flipping through it to the back.

"Yes it's here!" He shouted in excitement.

"Umm? What's here?" Goku asked looking over the Kais shoulder.

"A description of Zephyr...Ha! I can't believe it! I completely forgot this was in here, this is perfect!"

"How could you forget that?" Goku asked.

"Well, I've only read the book all the way through once and that was millions of years ago. I could never make it to the end."

Kibito and Elder Kai walked in the library in front of the two.

"What's all the fuss about boy!?" Elder Kai snapped at Shin.

"It says here he has long white hair that goes below his shoulders and light blue skin like the angels..." Shin said still looking down at the book ignoring him.

"Wait, Zephyr?" Elder Kai and Kibito asked at the same time.

"Yes, there's a description of him in here." Shin answered, never looking up from the book.

"Hmm, yellow eyes and a deceiving smile." Goku said still looking over Shin's shoulder.

"That sounds, familiar somehow..." Shin said somewhat confused.

They all stood in complete silence. A ticking clock that was counting the minutes by was the only sound, and this reminded Shin...

"Goku, your birthday!"

"Oh yeah I completely forgot! Oh Chi-Chi's going to be so mad!

"Go, we can talk about this later." Shin reassured Goku.

"And we will, I'm not forgetting about this supreme Kai." Goku said as he was about to teleport to earth and just before he did he looked at Shin and said,

"And don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Goku smiled at them then left.

At the party,

Goku appeared in front of Chi-Chi.

"Goku! Where have you been!"

"Sorry Chi-Chi, I was just checking on supreme Kai." Goku said nervously.

"Well he's a big boy he can take care of himself, he doesn't need you checking in on him." Chi-Chi said angrily.

"Well, he wasn't acting like himself." Goku said quietly.

"Hmph!" Chi-Chi pouted, looking away.

"Yeah Goku, this is your party you should probably be here you know." Bulma said walking up to them.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm back, everything's fine now." Goku said innocently, then laughed.

Gohan walked up and pulled Goku aside.

"There's something wrong isn't there." Gohan asked worriedly,

"You were gone for a long time dad."

"Yeah, everything's fine, I was just on supreme Kai's planet."

"Doing what?" Gohan asked impatiently.

"Don't worry about it Gohan, everything's fine I promise." Goku said laughing.

"Now come on let's get back to the party, did I miss anything while I was gone?" Goku asked trying to change the subject.

"No, not really..." Gohan decided to let it go, if Goku said everything was fine, then he believed it.

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