Beerus' Premonition

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'It was dark, cold. He could hear a familiar voice crying out,

"Please stop!"

"There's no use in resisting. You're only inflicting more pain on yourself!"

He heard a scream after that, followed by a thud.

"That should teach you a lesson."

The crying stopped.

Beerus walked on, in a dark cave with no way out, searching for his Kai.

Suddenly the cave started glowing a bright blue, and it was then that he saw a tall man with long white hair, light blue skin, and bright yellow eyes, standing above the broken Kai, who was covered in blood, and on the brink of death...

The man smiled sadistically and laughed the most evil laugh Beerus had ever heard.

"You, you'll pay for this!" Beerus yelled, ready to charge, but just before he did, he man grabbed Shin by his neck, pulling him up to his knees and put a hand up to his neck, threatening to form a ki blade and end both of their lives.

"Who the hell are you!" Beerus shouted.

"I am Zephyr! The ruler of the universe!" He laughed maniacally tightening his hold on Shin.

"You're not the ruler of anything Zephyr!" Beerus yelled, ready to attack.

"Oh really? See, from where I'm standing..." Zephyr turned to the young Kai who was trembling in fear,

"I am."

Zephyr formed a ki blade in his hand, lifted it in the air, and plunged it straight at Shin's neck.

"Beerus help me!" Shin pleaded, but it was already too late...Blood was dripping down his neck as he felt his life slipping away.

Beerus watched in horror as Zephyr cut into Shin's neck, he fell to the ground in pain as his life faded.

They were both gone.'


End of flashback,


"Oh? So you dreamt that Zephyr was in fact still alive, and he killed the Supreme Kai, inevitably leading to both of your deaths?" Whis asked.

Beerus looked at Whis,

"Yes, that's right."

"And yet you only told the Supreme Kai about the cave glowing, and not about Zephyr." Whis said.

"Are you kidding me?! I can't tell him Zephyr's alive! You know what he'd do. He's naive, if he found out Zephyr's alive he would try and find him, just like he did Majin Buu, and I'm not coming that close to death again." Beerus growled.

"Well, perhaps if you tell him everything that you saw, including his death, he will be more careful with his actions." Whis stated.

"Really? I dont know..."

"Well, there's only one way to find out." Whis said.

"...Fine, I'll tell him, but not yet. Do you understand Whis?"



On the Sacred world of the Kais,


Shin arrived back on his planet, still pondering what Beerus had said,

"What does it mean..." He said to himself.

He looked up to see his ancestor sitting at a table drinking tea under a tree, with Kibito standing nearby.

"Welcome back master." Kibito said, bowing to Shin.

"Thank you Kibito." Shin said sitting down across from Elder Kai.

"Young Kai, Is everything alright?" Elder Kai asked.

"Yes ancestor, everything is fine." Shin said while Kibito poured him a cup of tea.

"Beerus cooperated, surprisingly. But he was acting...strange." Shin said.

"Really? It's about time that oversized feline listened. And what do you mean by strange?" Elder Kai asked.

"Well, he was just being, nice."

Elder Kai paused for a moment,

"What did you two talk about anyway?" He asked.

"You can't just run off without telling us you know." Elder Kai said.

"My apologies ancestor, but do not worry. I asked Beerus if he had any dreams of Zephyr. He said he had only dreamt of a cave that glowed blue." Shin answered.

"Anything else?" Elder Kai asked.

Shin hesitated,

"Well...Whis had informed us that the Core Crystals have a low chance of granting immortality to those who touch it while it glows." Shin said.

"Immortality!?" Kibito said stunned.

"Yes, but it is very unlikely." Shin stated.

"...It would mean Zephyr may still be alive." Elder Kai said.

Shin's eyes were filled with worry,

"But he was pronounced dead by the Omni King himself. How can Zephyr still be alive?"

Silence seeped into the air...Then they heard a familiar voice,

"Greetings, Supreme Kai of Universe seven."

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