fall for you

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"that is so high up.."

"aww is our jaehan hyung scared?" yechan said in a teasing tone which only made jaehan glare at him

jaehan is kind of in a crisis right now.

and why you may ask? 

because the next scene that he has to film for their new comeback- it scared him.

and it was none other than shipping containers stacked on top of each other. he basically had to climb it and sit on the edge of it.

but jaehan being absolutely afraid of heights.. he was afraid of the set up.

"the chances if you falling is pretty slim hyung" yechan chimed in again with a chuckle and jaehan only rolled his eyes

"you would be scared if you were in my place too"

"yeah but i'm not" yechan said with a cocky smile and that only made jaehan roll his eyes at him again

the maknae has been teasing his hyung a lot lately... and jaehan had no clue why but he didn't mind it since yechan seemed to be having fun.

but having fun in the expense of possibly jaehan's life was not cool. at least that was what jaehan thought.

"what? are you upset hyung?" yechan asked with a smirk 

"no but more like annoyed" jaehan said as he averted his gaze

"ah-" yechan's face immediately dropped "i'm sorry"

jaehan looked at him taken aback and confused by his sudden apology, it almost made him feel guilty for telling off his maknae.

"no wait-"

"jaehan-ssi! get to your position! we'll start recording shortly!"

jaehan looked at all the staff that motioned him to get up the container with the stepladder than they were holding.

jaehan looked back at yechan who was also looking at him.

"well.. wish me luck" jaehan said quietly before walking over to the group of staff as yechan simply watched him silently from his position.

jaehan climbed up the step ladder as he got up of both of the stacked up containers.

"what the hell.." jaehan mumbled as he looked down instinctively 

jaehan saw the members gather up below the container as the rest of the staffs started setting up the cameras.

"hyung! is it high?" hwichan asked and jaehan nodded as he tried not to look down

"it's almost two or three floors tall- geez.." jaehan said as he looked down at it members

"got you this hyung!" hangyeom said with a laugh and jaehan simply smiled as he nodded

but in fact jaehan has not got it, the height was already too much for him as he was also forced to look down at the camera.

jaehan almost felt like passing out just by looking down at the ground.

he was really scared and also nervous.

"alright, jaehan-ssi, please come over to the edge of the container" the director said through the megaphone and jaehan took a deep breath and walked over to the edge

jaehan knew if he ever did fall, the staffs would definitely back him up.

but just the thought of falling down intimidated him.

jaehan desperately tried to recollect himself as he looked at the other members chatting with each other.

jaehan's gaze then stopped at yechan who was staring right at him.

JHYC oneshots (jaehan x yechan)Where stories live. Discover now