stranger danger

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omega x were invited to a party after their promotions were done.

the party was set in a bar next to their office, many staffs and officials attended it but there were also many unknown faces for the boys.

but of course, none of them gave a shit as they split apart and started looking around or dancing or talking to familiar faces or drinking.

and our victim of the night, was none other than our hard working leader.

kim jaehan.

"another glass of whiskey please"

jaehan was downing drinks to relieve his stress. from managing the boys while listening to the directions from the higher ups and managing the schedule and planning out the events that he had to go to with the members and going on meetings representing his group and practicing while making others to practice for their performances and doing his regular vocal training...

jaehan was obviously tired.

"another one" jaehan ordered as he finished up the glass that he just got as another was slid to his side of the table.

jaehan kept drinking and drinking and drinking..

as he felt his busy mind and tense muscles drift away and he felt himself getting dizzy and light headed.

he enjoyed the feeling nonetheless.

but of course, by being drunk meant being defenseless.

and with all of his members gone out to enjoy their own night, he was left with nobody on his side.

until, someone approached him.

"hey there handsome"

jaehan turned to the high pitched voice to see a woman wear a very revealing dress with bright red lipstick on her.

"hello" jaehan greeted without thinking as he bowed his head properly to greet them.

"no need to be so formal cutie" the woman said as she took a seat beside him

"who.. are you?" jaehan asked as his vision blurred 

"mhm.. someone who can please you.." the woman said in a seductive tone as she inched closer to him

"what?.." jaehan asked, barely paying attention to anything as he felt his head spin a little

"well what is a man like you doing here all alone?" she asked as she placed her arm on his chest as she looked at him with a smirk

"drinking.." jaehan muttered as he pointed at his empty glasses

"i see, well do you want to do something more.. entertaining?" the woman asked seductively as she trailed her hands down his chest

"..what..?" jaehan asked as he felt his eyes closing but he forced them to open, knowing that there was a person in front of him

"come with me sexy" the woman said as she stood up before grabbing jaehan's hand as she started pulling him to god knows where.

jaehan was wasted and far to gone to even process the situation he was in, as he let her drag him while he felt his knees get heavier.

as they came to a stop, jaehan heard loud music that deafened him and immediately gave him a headache as he winced quietly at the pain.

"let's dance" the woman said as she started to moved both of their weights around as she swayed her hips and danced close to jaehan.

jaehan stood there, clearly not conscious enough for any of this as the woman continued to grind her body all over him.

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