Chapter 9: They Made You Blind, Messed Up Your Mind

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TW: Please read with care, this chapter contains sewerslide, medical talk, child loss and de@th, as always stay safe my loveliesv💕💕

Veronica's mom walked in, calling "Veronica" throughout the house, going upstairs to Veronica's room to check if she was back. Upon walking in, she saw her hanging, dropping to her knees and screaming hysterically at the sight of her daughter hanging there lifeless, her head fallen to the side, her hair covering most of her face, the part of her face you could see though was a deathly grey.

"What, what's happened??" Mr Sawyer came running into the room upon hearing her screaming, having no idea what had happened previously, just coming in from work "oh my god"

"C-call 911, get her down!" His wife told him frantically

"Call 911 first or?"

"No you idiot, get her down! Now!" She ordered him

He got her down, undoing the noose and laying her down on her bed

"P-put her on the floor, she needs CPR, I can save her"

"Honey, look at her" he looked at his wife "she's gone"

"No" She shook her head "no she's not, she's not giving up that easily. Now put her on the damn floor so I can save our daughter!"

He picked Veronica back up and laid her on the floor as his wife told him to do, before walking over to Veronica's telephone and dialling 911 "yes, ambulance please"

Mrs Sawyer crawled to her daughter, leaning over her and checking her pulse and if she was breathing "no, no you are not leaving like this, you're not babygirl" She spoke to her as she did chest compressions as Veronica wasn't breathing nor was her heart beating "I'm so so sorry, I should have kept you safe, I failed you but I won't again, you just need to get through this okay"

Mr Sawyer couldn't watch his daughter or wife like that so once he was done talking to the 911 operator he went downstairs, making an excuse he was going to wait downstairs to open the door for the ambulance.

"Where and you going??" She called to him

"Waiting for the paramedics to come so I can let them in" he called back upstairs to her, going to the kitchen and getting a beer out the fridge, drinking it

Mrs Sawyer continued giving Veronica CPR but there was no sign of life left in her






She counted the chest compressions before giving Veronica two rescue breaths, trying to get oxygen back into her lungs.






She counted and gave her another 2 rescue breaths

"Come on"

"Come on, Ronnie, wake up"

"Please, just wake up"

She spoke as she continued chest compressions.

She started to tire but fortunately her husband came upstairs with the paramedics as she did. She stood up, giving the paramedics space to do their job, noticing on one of their uniforms "T. CHANDLER" was printed on it, she thought nothing of it, seeing it nothing more than a coincidence her daughters dead best friend shared the same surname as a paramedic. She brushed it off, glaring at her husband with the beer in his hand.

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