Chapter 5: I Worship You

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TW: implications of r*pe and sexual violence, suicidal thoughts and violence in general, viewer discretion advised, you're all amazing, stay safe my loves ❣️❣️

Veronica didn't say much, just looked out the window, pretty out of it, but her head injury had nothing to do with it, she was conscious but heavily dissociating as a way of coping with what she was going through right now, if she allowed herself to feel properly. Properly feel everything and be present after from what had happened the night before, she'd explode, she'd start crying and never stop.

JD had moved back to the chair at some point, she wasn't sure when but she'd just noticed. She looked at him "you okay?"

He jumped a little at her voice, not expecting her to speak "I'm good darling" he gave her a smile "do you want me to get you anything? I could see if the caf' have a slushie machine" he half joked

"No I'm okay" she readjusted the hand she was laying on "you should probably get going to school, I'm fine, it's okay"

"It's Saturday but you're not half as smart as you think you are if you think I'm gonna leave you like this even if it was a school day" he teased her "so, cherry?"

She shook her head a little as he made her laugh "yeah, I guess so"

He smiled, going over to her, kissing her on the head "I'll be right back" he'd usually kiss her on the lips goodbye but he wasn't sure how far she was comfortable with right now so the forehead would have to do, she didn't seem to object to him kissing her on the head

"See you" she gave him a fake smile back, wanting to show that she was grateful for him but not really feeling in a smiling mood.

She noticed a bathroom off from her room and sat up, pushing the blankets off of her and getting up. She took slow and steady steps to the bathroom, every step causing her pain, she held onto the wall just next to the bathroom door, catching her breath as the pain caused her to breathe fast.

"In" she breathed shakily, doing what she was taught in first aid training when someone hyperventilates "and out" she let a breath of air out


"And out"


And out

Once she'd recovered her breath she walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind her and walking over to the shower, turning it on and standing underneath it, still dressed in the hospital gown, getting it completely soaked as the cheap, thin material hung off her and became partially see through. She caught a glimpse of her body in the mirror opposite the shower, looking at all the marks Ram and Kurt had given her, looking away quickly and turning to face the shower

The week went by as a bit of a blur for Veronica, she was in hospital for 2 nights as the doctor wanted to make sure she had no lasting damage from the hypothermia she suffered but fortunately she was okay and was cleared to go. The last 5 days at home though she couldn't tell for the life of her what she'd been doing because she just wasn't retaining it, as far as she was concerned, all days were blending into one.

JD stalked the two footballers for about a week, working out where they went when they weren't at school and gathering information on them when he could between visiting Veronica at home. He found out more information than he was looking for though when he followed Kurt, Ram, Duke and Mac on a Friday night on what he guessed was a double a cow field? Okay then....

He watched from afar as Mac experienced the same thing Veronica did just a week ago. How many girls had they hurt like this?? He felt rage, feeling an even bigger urge to wipe these rapists off the face of the fucking earth. They wouldn't be missed and the world would sure as hell be a better place. Plus Veronica had to feel safe to even start healing. And she was never gonna feel safe with them around so he had no choice, he saw no alternative option. They had to die.

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