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"Woah, where are we now?" Cody gasps at the sight. "A grand piano? Wood-burning pizza oven? Four-person hot tub with L.E.D light show and dancing waters?"

Harold walks up to the hot tub. "How do I win this? My fair Leshawna loves a hot tub."

"Easy, tiger. These are my quarters. And they're off limits! Clear?"

Harold looks down with sadness. "Crystal."

"Oh, Chris! I heart your limits." Sierra smiles.



"Anyway, with Beth gone, Linds-iot, and Ale-whatever, looking like a real threat, my strategic option is to make friends with the new girl. Pretending to be best friends with THAT is going to be hard. I do not HEART the new girl. And I am NOT talking about that weirdo Sierra."


"And that's pretty much it. I skipped the cargo hold and galley, but I'm sure you'll find those exciting destinations later, when I 'accidentally' lock you in them."

There is some turbulence that makes all the chairs shake, this causing Bridgette to fall back into Alejandro's arms.

"Señorita, are you okay?" Alejandro smirks.

Bridgette locks eyes with him. "Is the earth moving?"

"Nope! We are!" Izzy exclaims.

"One more thing. I'm sure you remember a little something called the elimination ceremony. Takes place right in there, my friends. If you don't receive a barf bag full of airline-issue peanuts..." Chris explains.

"I've got a peanut allergy." Ezekiel informs. "Or more like a sensitivity."

Chris gives him a dirty look. "You will be forced to take the drop of shame."

"Okay, I just don't--"

Camila darts up from her seat. "I can't listen to him yap any longer!"

With that she pushes Ezekiel out of the plane.

"Hey! I was gonna do that." Chris looks the girl up and down with a scowl.

"I think we all wanted to do it." Camila flips her hair and walks back to where she was before.

The other contestants all nod.


"Every second, we're getting closer to adventure. And further from mama." DJ sighs.

"Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson. I also happen to know that your birthday is April 1st. You're my very own April Fool." Sierra smiles at Cody.


Chris appears in the doorway wearing a tuxedo. "Whenever you hear that friendly little bell, it's musical-number time! So, lets hear it."

"But what are we supposed to sing?" Courtney asks.

Chris smiles at the question. "You have to make it up as you go. Wouldn't be challenging otherwise, now would it?"






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