The Big Bang

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Robyn looks up as the Pandorica opens, Rory stood there with the sonic screwdriver out

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Robyn looks up as the Pandorica opens, Rory stood there with the sonic screwdriver out. The Doctor is released from the chair, making him wraps his arms round Robyn "How did you do that?" he asks Rory. "You gave me this." Rory responds. The Doctor takes his screwdriver out from his own pocket "No, I didn't." he tells him. "You did. Look at it." Rory responds as the Doctor gets up with Robyn in his arms. The Doctor touches his screwdriver to Rory's, the two of them sparking "Temporal energy. Same screwdriver at different points in its own time stream. Which means it was me who gave it to you. Me from the future. I've got a future. That's nice. That's not." the Doctor says, looking at the fossilised aliens. "Yeah. What are they?" Rory asks. "History has collapsed. Whole races have been deleted from existence. These are just like after-images. Echoes. Fossils in time. The footprints of the never-were." the Doctor explains. "Er, what does that mean?" Rory asks, confusion evident in his voice. "Total event collapse. The universe literally never happened." the Doctor tells him. "So, how can we be here? What's keeping us safe?" Rory asks. "Nothing. Eye of the storm, that's all. We're just the last light to go out. Amy. Where's Amy?" the Doctor asks him.

The three of them walk outside, finding Amy lying on the floor covered with a blanket "I killed her." Rory tells the Doctor. "Oh, Rory." the Doctor says. "Doctor, what am I?" Rory asks. "You're a Nestene duplicate. A lump of plastic with delusions of humanity." the Doctor tells him. "But I'm Rory now. Whatever was happening, it's stopped. I'm Rory." Rory says. The Doctor places Robyn on her feet, letting her sit next to the fire "That's software talking." he tells him. "Can you help her? Is there anything you can do?" Rory asks. "Yeah, probably, if I had the time." the Doctor responds. "The time?" Rory asks. "All of creation has just been wiped from the sky. Do you know how many lives now never happened? All the people who never lived? Your girlfriend isn't more important than the whole universe." the Doctor tells him. Rory punches him, making him fall to the floor "She is to me!" he shouts. The Doctor gets up, holding his jaw "Welcome back, Rory Williams! Sorry. Had to be sure. Hell of a gun-arm you're packing there. Right, we need to get her downstairs. And take that look off your plastic face. You're getting married in the morning." he tells Rory. Robyn giggles, the Doctor smiling and picking her up as they head back down into the Pandorica chamber.

The Doctor places Amy in the Pandorica "So you've got a plan, then?" Rory asks. "Bit of a plan, yeah. Memories are more powerful than you think, and Amy Pond is not an ordinary girl. Grew up with a time crack in her wall. The universe pouring through her dreams every night. The Nestenes took a memory print of her and got a bit more than they bargained for, like you. Not just your face, but your heart and your soul." the Doctor explains. The Doctor mind-melds with Amy "I'm leaving her a message for when she wakes up, so she knows what's happening." he explains before closing the Pandorica. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?" Rory asks. "I'm saving her. This box is the ultimate prison. You can't even escape by dying. It forces you to stay alive." the Doctor explains. "But she's already dead." Rory tells him. "Well, she's mostly dead. The Pandorica can stasis-lock her that way. Now, all it needs is a scan of her living DNA and it'll restore her." the Doctor says. "Where's it going to get that?" Rory asks. "In about two thousand years." the Doctor responds, checking his watch. The Doctor goes over and takes River's vortex manipulator from her bag, strapping it to his wrist "She's going to be in that box for two thousand years?" Rory asks. "Yeah, but we're taking a shortcut. River's vortex manipulator. Rubbish way to time travel, but the universe is tiny now. We'll be fine." the Doctor tells him.

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