Victory of the Daleks

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Robyn follows the Doctor to the door as they land, the Doctor steps out of the Tardis finding soldiers pointing guns at him

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Robyn follows the Doctor to the door as they land, the Doctor steps out of the Tardis finding soldiers pointing guns at him. The soldiers part and Churchill walks forward to greet them "Robyn, Amy... Winston Churchill." the Doctor introduces putting his arm out. "Doctor? Is it you?" Churchill asks as Amy steps out and stares at Churchill in amazement. "Oh, Winston, my old friend!" the Doctor smiles before going to shake hands but Churchill motions with his hand that he wants something. "Ah, every time!" the Doctor laughs. "What's he after?" Amy asks. "Tardis key, of course." he responds. "Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor! The lives that could be saved!" Churchill says. "Ah, doesn't work like that." the Doctor says closing the door. "Must I take it by force?" the Prime Minister asks. "I'd like to see you try." he smiles. "At ease." Church I'll tells the soldiers making them lower their rifles. "You rang?" the Doctor asks. Churchill motions for them to follow, the Doctor picks up Robyn and follow after the Prime Minister with Amy.

They walk down a corridor as an air raid happens above the bunker "So you've changed your face, again." Churchill comments. "Yeah, well, had a bit of work done." the Doctor responds making Robyn giggle. "Got it, got it, got it! Cabinet War Rooms, right?" Amy asks realising where they are. "Yup." Robyn smiles. "Top secret heart of the War Office, right under London." the Doctor adds. "You're late, by the way." Churchill comments. A woman come over and hands Churchill a clipboard and pen "Requisitions, sir." she tells him. "Excellent." Churchill says signing the requisitions. "Late?" the Doctor asks. "I rang you a month ago." Churchill tells him. "Really? Sorry. Sorry, it's a Type 40 Tardis. I'm just running her in." the Doctor apologises. Churchill hands the clipboard back "Something the matter, Breen? You look a little down in the dumps." he asks the lady. "No, sir. Fine, sir." Breen responds hugging the clipboard. "Action this day, Breen! Action this day!" Churchill says as Robyn wiggles out of the Doctor's arm. "Yes, sir." Breen nods forcing a smile. Robyn steps forward and hugs the lady "You look like you needed hug." she whispers to Breen. The lady smiles "Thank you." she tells Robyn before walking off. Robyn turns back to the Doctor and puts her arms up, smiling he picks her up as an Officer walks over "Excuse me, sir, got another formation coming in, Prime Minister. Stukas, by the look of them." he tell the Prime Minister. "We shall go up top then, Group Captain! We'll give 'em what for! Coming, Doctor?" Churchill asks. "Why?" the Doctor asks. "I have something to show you." Churchill explains. The Doctor mouths "Oooh" to Robyn and Amy making then giggle.

The four of them climb into the lift and Churchill presses a button before puffing on his cigar. The Doctor waves the smoke away as Amy stands back slightly "We stand at a crossroads, Doctor. Quite alone, with our backs to the wall. Invasion is expected daily. So I will grasp with both hands anything that will give us an advantage over the Nazi menace." Churchill tells them. "Such as?" the Doctor asks as the lift stops. and Churchill opens the gate "Follow me." he tells them. They walk out onto a roof to see a man in a white coat watching the sky with binoculars. "Wow!" Amy says as they see the city. "Doctor, this is Professor Edwin Bracewell, head of our Ironsides Project." Churchill says motioning to the man in the white coat. The Doctor holds up his hand with a "V for Victory" sign "How d'you do?" Bracewell waves before looking through binoculars again "A formation of German planes are approaching." he continues. The Doctor and Amy walk towards the edge, looking out over London and its barrage balloons as the bombs drop. "Oh, Doctor... Doctor, it's..." Amy trails off. "History." the Doctor says. Robyn giggles "What?" he asks her. "I remember Rose hanging from a barrage ballon in the middle of an air raid, while wearing a Union Jack shirt." she tells him. The Doctor chuckles at her before kissing her head.

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