Accidental Meeting

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(Y/n) stared at then lit up sign in front of her in disbelief "There's no way.."

She was trying to find her way to the Hospital to meet up with Takemichi since he went to go see Draken. And Mikey later but, that's a secret!

However, it seems that she had caught the wrong train. She tried to call herself adventurous and find a new way there

But, it turns out, she had gotten on the wrong plane. So here she is..


And in front of her was a city full of life and people all around

She cursed in her head and looked back to the trains "Wait-Where do we live again? Dang it!" She was trying to remember the name of the place!

Was to with a K or a C?

"It was short right? A region? Aw, Man.."

She rubbed her cheeks yet again and drawled out a long sigh. This wasn't good, she was going to miss everything!

Not only that, it was hella packed here, it was fucking ridiculous! People from left to right, up and down! Kids running around, people talking!

"Excuse me"

(Y/n)'s eyes went wide before eshe turned around and smiled at the two girls in front of her. They then stared guestering a phone to her "Can we take a picture with you?"

(Y/n)'s face began to go into one of happiness before she nodded. However, what confused her was they're speaking

It sounded different than normal but, natural at the same time

They crowded her at her sides as the one on the left held up the phone. And as soonas it was snapped, they stared at it and cheered, this made (Y/n) laugh as well

Well, aren't these two joyous!

They then turned her way bowed "Thank you!"

This made the brown skinned girl grow even more confused. How come when they said it this time, it was more natural? More understandable?

She only smiled and waved "Oh, of course!"

The two stared at her in surprise before smiling once more and running off. Now she wasbback to her own thoughts once again

It was nice to take a picture though, felt good. And she wasn't looking dusty for once!

(Y/n) looked back to the Staton entrance and sighed before turning to the sidewalk and going there instead

Why not look around? She'll just have to remember some points and find her way back


In the midst of walking around, she's seen a good bit. However, people here tend to stare alot more than they did back over where she lives with everyone else

Maybe because this was a crowded city or something?

Regardless, she was fine. They didn't really come up to her but some kids would wave and stare at her

She though it was the cutest thing!

So far, the city wasn't a bad place. It was tight in some spots but, she got to see some restaurants, a playground. Even a Woman walking her Dog!

So, everything's been fine so fa--meow..

She stopped and looked to her left as she noticed something. Not only that, she passed an alleyway

She lift a brow before excitement spread through her veins

There was a Kitty!

She scurried back over and peaked her head in to see only to stop and stare

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