The Fight of A Lifetime

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"The fight club, Kiyomasa-Kun. Do you remember?"

The Male lift a brow at him. The hell was he taking about?

"We should get back to that fight.."

Ah, nothing but yawn work. Nothing to stress over

Red leaned down with a smile, giggling as Takemichi tried to stand all high and authoritative "Ha?! Everyone who was there saw that you clearly lost!"

"But, I didn't lose"

Kiyomasa irked at him. He was so high and mighty

"Well, if that's the case.."

Draken smirked as he stared at the blonde's back "I'm bettin' one hundred mil on Takemitchy!"

Those staring gave him odd and confused looks. What the hell was he talking about?

Draken simply huffed as he sat with a smile "This is stupid as shit but, I'll go along with it"

"Me too!"

All eyes went to (Y/n) as she proudly sat her hands on her hips with a wide smile "I'm putting two hundred mil on Michi!"

"I'm betting three hundred!"

Emma now sat up with his eyes narrowed as they stared at Takemichi with determined faces

But, Takemichi could only stare in shock "(N/n)-San? Emma-Chan?"


Kiyomasa looked back and pointed at the back of his head "Looks like they finally lost their damn minds!" The group all laughed at his comment. And he was right, look at him! Kiyomasa was a beast compared to Takemichi


They all looked back to Draken as he glared at them with a frown

"Takemitchy's gonna win"

He couldn't believe this. We're they actually siding with ScrawnyMichi?

"Thanks everyone.."

Even she was on his side too? But. Why?

"So, Kiyomasa!"

This was irritating. It was foolish

"Were finishing this!"

So, he decdied to end it early

And with the swing of his knife it sure helped out a lot


(Y/n) gasped at the sight for the knife sitting Takemichi's hand. She then glared at the ravenette and took a step their way "What the fuck, Kiyomasa!"

The Male did nothing but and crudly smile "Well, look at that. I thought I killed you already but, you're livelier than ever"

As the Male yelled out in anguish, it just made the short girl's blood boil. She then began to tense and run his way "Takemichi!"

"Don't! It's dangerous!"

A hand grabbed her wrist and gripped it so she wouldn't go any further but, she only kept her sights on the boy as he went through the pain

She didn't want him to. Why couldn't he just be at home and fine. Maybe if no one went to the Festival, none of this would've happened

No stabbing, no fighting

"But, Takemichi! Michi, are you ok!"

She tried pulling to let Emma go once more but, she kept a steady grip on her

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