And So, The Story Begins

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The girl 'ooh'd' as she stared at the radish before her

She had arrived at a market!

(Y/n) was glad though, she was looking for somewhere to find groceries. The only issue was that she didn't have any money, sadly

But, she still wanted to check them out!

All the vegetables looked so fresh! The carrots were in well condition, the bell peppers looked hella nice too!

(Y/n) waved at the Woman at the stand and then began to continue her walk to the entrance to leave

She'll visit this place again but, maybe she should get a job? But, how? She didn't really have papers or I.D.



She smiled even more. She forgot everything was here with her!

She could get a job now!


She stopped once she bumped into something before she stepped back and looked up


Yet, her eyes widened at the sight of them. What were the odds that they would be out here


She blinked rapidly in shock as the one with the crazy eyes appeared in front of her

"It's the Girlie from the fight!"

She stood still as he began to walk around her. He let out a laugh "She's pretty short"

"Yeah, but she's cute"

(Y/n) stared at them all as they watched her

"Kiyomasa knows how to pick 'em"

That's when her brows furrowed and she looked straight up to the Leader that stood across from her

He was the one she bumped into

And all he did was stare at her

It was a little unsettling but, she wanted answers


She looked to the side as one of the others came over, smirking down at her "How many guys can you take at once"

(Y/n) blinked in surprise before glaring at him "'scuse you"

"Oi, back off! That's Kiyomasa's Girl"

That's when she froze and looked over to the crazy looking one. She blinked rapidly and looked back up to Kiyomasa only to find him rubbing the back of his neck and averting his eyes from her

She blinked in shock as he walked over and stood before her, now looking down to her shorter being. (Y/n) didn't know what he was going to say or do

Why would they say that? Kiyomasa's Girl. The hell?

She looked down at his hand as he lift something up to her. She looked around for the others but, they were farther down hiding behind a building. But what the hell! They were just in front of her!

Kiyomasa stepped closer to her, lifting his hand from his pocket. (Y/n) blinked rapdily as he held it her way

'What the fuck is going on!?'

Was it a weapon!? Was it Takemichi's ear! Did he hurt him!


She looked down and then 'oh'd' in surprise

"..A necklace..?"

She stared at it longer and then reached for it, scooping it out of his callus hands. It had a rose on it. I mean, he's a bitch but..

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