Little Pig, Little Pig.

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My heart was in my ears, pounding away as we ran. Alexandria was in sight, just up this hill. My feet ached as they thundered on the floor. All I could picture was Negan, at Alexandria, hurting the people I loved, hurting Judith. My body began to shake, adrenaline pumping through my veins and overpowering the physical pain, I began to run faster, my legs quivering under my weight.

The gates grew closer and closer, my eye beginning to fog with sweat, I could hear everyone else behind me trying to keep pace with me. I lost my footing, my long legs tangling together as I fell to the floor, scraping my chin on the dusty gravel. My teeth bite straight into my lip, blood beginning to pool into my mouth.

"Carl!" Rick yelled, bounding towards me and helping me up, I shook off his help and scrambled to my feet, continuing to run.
"Carl!" He yelled again, chasing after me.

I looked at the gates of Alexandria, Eugene staring down at us. Everything seemed okay.

"Let 'em in!" Eugene yelled down to Rosita, quickly climbing down the ladder to meet us, we were drenched with sweat, panting like dogs in heat. Abraham gave Rosita a kiss on the forehead before leaning against the metal walls to catch his breath.

"What happened?" Rosita exclaimed, checking my face over, I tilted my head away from her and wiped the blood from my face on my sleeve. I scanned my eyes around the visible area of Alexandria.

"Is...Everything...Okay?" I panted out, taking  my hat off and wiping the sweat from my forehead,
"Is...Is" I panted, tilting my head back and brushing my hair from my face, letting the cool Autumn air wash over me.

"Negan? No, what's going on?" Rosita asked, frantic for answers. A look of horror crossing her face at the idea of Negan knowing where we were. My dad placed a hand on my shoulder, looking at my face. Michonne began to explain everything to Rosita as I submitted to my dads help. He looked around in his backpack for some rubbing alcohol to clean my chin, I hissed air through my teeth as a shooting pain rippled through my face as he wiped the alcohol over my grazed chin.

"You think Negans is coming here?" Eugene's words were laced with fear as he approached my dad, looking between us both, his hands shaking as he gripped the rifle he was holding. Sasha walked over to us, her hair slicked with sweat.

"We need to keep watch." She demanded, glancing back to the gate,
"Keep everyone here safe." She whispered, the citizens of Alexandria noticing the panic-stricken situation. A rare appearance from Aaron was made as he walked over with baby Judith in his arms. He spent most of his time recruiting or at Hilltop, taking care of Maggie alongside Jesus. Since the camping trip, Maggie and Jesus had returned to Hilltop, and Aaron had decided to stay at Alexandria to aid with taking care of Judith.

"What's going on?" He questioned, his voice hushed as to not further worry the gathered people, I smiled down at Judith and took her from his arms. I held her small frame close, relief washing over me, knowing she was safe.

"Hey," I whispered to her, brushing her darkening hair from her face. She cooed back at me, and I let out a soft laugh. My dad pulled Aaron aside. He was one of the few people here we could trust completely. He found us and brought us here. He's proved himself to us.

I could hear a whispered discussion between the two as my dad told Aaron about the 'camping trip' and everything that had happened. His face grew dark.
"Are you sure?" Aaron asked, looking over to Judith as his eyes filled with worry for the girl. My dad shook his head,

"No. But, we need to be prepared. We need everyone who can shoot on guard. Everyone else needs to stay in their houses, we don't know whats going to happen. We don't even know if he has found us." My dad placed his hands on his hips as he glanced towards me. My face was blank, expressionless as the adrenaline started to wear off. My body was aching all over, I handed Judith to Michonne and approached the two men.

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