4: DC

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Two blurs travel through Central City. They go at great speed, by passing cars, people, trains, and everything in between.

One of the blurs was bright red with yellow electricity running through it. That was the Flash, the resident hero of Central City. The second blur was the opposite. It was yellow with red electricity running through him. That was his arch enemy, the Reverse Flash.

Flash ran ahead of Reverse Flash, trying to out run his enemy. The villain from the future chased his opposite, attempting to get his hands on him to give him a painful death.

Suddenly, however, they were both stopped when a whistle was blown and a stop sign was held in front of them. Both speedsters came to a sudden halt, making them lose balance and nearly fall over.

When they both looked, they saw the Mask in a street guard uniform holding a stop sign with a whistle in their mouth, stopping them in front of a crossroad. They were both confused on why he stopped them, and even more on the fact they stopped in the first place.

Suddenly, a chicken appeared from one side of the crossroad and began walking to the other side. For a moment, the chicken stopped to look at the speedsters before smugly turning away and continuing its walk.

With the chicken reaching the other side, the Mask twirled around, changing to his usual yellow suit. "Well, that lass has some sass, don't you agree?" He asked, still holding the stop sign.

Reverse Flash dashed forward and held the Mask with the collar of his suit. "A comedian, huh? Let's see the jokes you make when I-"


The Mask cut Reverse Flash off by smacking his head with the stop sign, creating a dent perfectly shaped like the Villain's head and face.

Flash may or may not have snorted and looked away to cover his mouth.

When Reverse Flash let go, the Mask turned and ran away. The villain speedster took the sign off his head and glare, seeing the Mask go into an alleyway before vanishing.

Reverse Flash immediately followed the Mask into the alleyway, fuy intending to make the green-faced man suffer, only to stop in confusion to see it lead to a dead end with no sign of the Mask.

Instead, there was four doors. Red, blue, green, and yellow in that order. Going to the yellow door first, Reverse Flash grabbed hold of the handle and opened it to see where it leads.

As soon as he opened the door, a large tentacle came burst out, grabbed hold of Reverse Flash, and began smacking him on the floor and walls of the alleyway. After a full minute of being smacked around, the tentacle let go of Reverse Flash and retreated inside while closing the door behind it.

Reverse Flash, not being a normal human, managed to stand up despite the beating, although with some difficulty. Shaking his head, he walked to the green door to open it, this time having his super speed ready to dodge whatever comes out.

However, as soon as he twisted the handle, a large angry looking gorilla smacked the door open and grabbed hold of him before he even had a chance to open the door itself.

The gorilla held Reverse Flash with both hands above its head, roaring in anger before it threw him on the ground harshly and began jumping on him and stomping his body. After the gorilla calmed down, it turned around, walked through the green door, and closed the door behind it.

Reverse Flash groggily got up, shaking his head to try and get his bearings again. He walked towards the blue door to see if the Mask is behind it, but stopped right before he grabbed hold of the handle.

Deciding to be smart, Reverse Flash hid besides the door and swiftly opened it, using his super speed, making sure he's out of the way to stay safe from whatever came out.

However, despite the door becoming fully opened, nothing came out. Deeming the door safe, Reverse Flash finally stood in front of the door, believing he finally found the one the Mask was in.

Only for a herd of elephants to came out and proceed to run him over.

Once the elephants were gone, Reverse Flash attempted to get up. After a lot of struggling and groaning, he managed to do it although his costume was a mess.

Weakly walking towards the last door, Reverse Flash raised his shaking hand to the handle... only for the beatings to finally catch up and knock him unconscious, causing him to fall forward and smack his head on the red door before slipping down to the ground.

The door was opened and the Mask came out. "Did someone knock?" He asked before looking down and gasping as he saw Reverse Flash. "It's a doorstep baby. Oh, isn't he just the ugliest thing," picking up the unconscious villain, the Mask grinned. "Let's get you all nice and wrapped up."

The Mask took out a large baby blanket and wrapped Reverse Flash in it. When he was done, the speedster villain was wrapped like a baby, only way too tightly for him to move.

"Wow, that's one way to deal with him," Flash said as he saw the Mask place his nemesis down. "Thanks for the help."

Was he curious on what he saw and how the Mask did all that? Of course Flash was, but he was also grateful for the help. The fact he found it all very funny helped him just shrug it off.

"No problemo, buddy," the Mask grinned. Suddenly, the chicken from before walked in besides the Flash. "Well, looks like my ride is here. Adios!"

The Mask then changed costume, looking like a cheap version of Zoro with a large M on his chest. Pulling out a saddle, he placed it on the chicken's back and sat on it.

"Onwards, Sir Clucks-a-lot!"


With a mighty roar, the chicken shot forward with speed that had even the Flash reeling.

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