3: Marvel.

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Another day, another attack on A.I.M. for trying to steal and weaponise his tech.

Just a normal day for Tony Stark.

The A.I.M. base was in the Nevada desert, hacking into Las Vegas to steal money and use it to fund their experiments. Their latest attempt to steal his technology was about trying to copy his Iron Legion project.

While they didn't succeed in creating the androids or the armor, they still managed to create android for their aerial combat robots.

The robots, like most of A.I.M.'s products, was yellow and shaped like a small airplane. They didn't pack a lot of firepower, but they came in large numbers, and that caused them to be annoying.

Maneuvering through the air and avoiding the blasts from the robots, Iron-Man shot a few of them down with the blasters in his hands before needing to move away again to avoid blasts from the actual threat in this place.

M.O.D.O.K. was not something Tony was expecting in some random base. While the flying robots did not pose a threat, the large flying head definitely did with the large blaster it had on its forehead, and Iron-Man couldn't get a clear shot with all those robots flying around.

As Iron-Man flew through the air, his armor's audio receptors picked up on a sound. It sounded like... buzzing.

From the clouds in the sky came a very small airplane, looking small enough to be confused for a model or toy, and the sound seemed to be coming from the airplane's fan.

On the Airplane was a green-faced man wearing an old-timy pilot uniform with a matching hat and goggles. Despite the man's far larger size than the airplane, he was not only able to get in the driver seat, but also fly it.

"Kkkht, tin-can, tin-can, do you copy!" The Mask's voice was suddenly heard inside Tony's helmet. (Alongside the mask making obviously fake radio sound.)

"How did you hack this frequency?" Iron-Man asked, knowing that even A.I.M. couldn't do that.

"Questions later! Cavalry's here, chum!" The Mask replied before his airplane came in behind the robots that were chasing Iron-Man in the air. "Bang! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Bang!"

The Mask's airplane, much to Tony's shock, began shooting actual bullets at the A.I.M. robots. After taking down a few, the robots registered him as a threat and began chasing the Mask too.

Turning the airplane upwards, the Mask began dodging the A.I.M. robots and heading towards the clouds in the sky. Iron-Man didn't really question it since that made half the robots go away.

While Iron-Man was dealing with his own share, the Mask flew into a cloud, being followed by a group robots. The robots came out the other way, but the Mask didn't nor was he there, causing the robots to stop.

A pair of hands came out of the cloud and pulled in one of the robots without the others knowing. Not a few seconds later, the Mask came out of the cloud wearing the hood of the plan robot on his face.

Joining the other robots, which are still oblivious, the Mask leaned towards the nearest robot and began whispering. "Hey, I heard he called you fat," he said to the robot while pointing at another.

The robot turned to the Mask for a second before turning to the robot that the Mask was pointing at. Its visor bent to look like it was glaring before it shot at its fellow robot, taking it down.

Leaning towards another robot, the Mask began whispering again. "I heard he has a picture of your wife," he said pointing at another robot.

Like before, the robot the masked was talking to 'glared' at his fellow robot before shooting it down. The Mask kept on this tactic by continually spreading rumours and making the robots turn on each other.

"I heard he stole that sandwich you've been saving."

"I heard he's been dating your sister in secret."

"I heard he hates the color yellow."

"I heard he's been gunning for that promotion you want."

"I heard he's a DC fan."

"I heard he likes the Velma show!"

The robots kept turning on and destroying each other, when only one robot remained, it looked around, as if realising what just happened.

The Mask took off the hood from his face and shot the last remaining robot down. With that, he turned the airplane around and headed down to the A.I.M. base.

Iron-Man had just defeated the last remaining robot and was currently trying to blast the surprisingly agile M.O.D.O.K., but the giant head was not making it easy.

The buzzing noise returned and the Mask came flying in. "I have a big watermelon for a big head!" The Mask yelled before pressing a button.

The bottom of his airplane opened up and the Mask turned upwards while dropping an actual watermelon like a bomb. The fruit managed to strike M.O.D.O.K. right in the face.

The large head glared at the Mask as the pieces of the watermelon fell off his face... only to reveal a dynamite stick with the fuse lit.

One explosion later, and M.O.D.O.K. was unconscious on the ground.

"Now that's going out with a bang!" The Mask laughed.

Suddenly, the airplane he's on began staggering the air while letting out the sound of a dying engine. Looking down, the Mask saw a sign saying 'No gas, dumb, dumb' flashing.

"Uh-oh," the Mask said as the airplane came to a complete stop in the middle of the air. Taking a sudden drop, the Mask began screaming. "Mayday! Mayday! Abort ship!" Pulling on a lever, the Mask ejected himself off the airplane while wearing a parachute bag. The Mask soon after pulled the string of parachute... only for dirty laundry to come out when the bag opened. "Wait, if that's my laundry then..." The Mask realisd where the parachute is.

Meanwhile, a parachute was going through a washing machine.

Back to the Mask he watched as the airplane reached the ground before him... and pull off the perfect landing without a single dent.

"Oh come o-" with that, the Mask smacked into the ground.

Iron-Man landed on where the Mask landed and waited for the dust to settle. When it did, Tony was greeted with the sight of a human shaped hole in the pose of an Egyptian hieroglyphic.

A hand came out before the Mask pulled himself out of the hole, now wearing his signature yellow suit. "I'd say that was a ten out of ten landing! Only broke my everything," he grinned.

"And you are...?" Tony trailed off, waiting for the green-faced man to introduce himself.

The Mask raised a finger and opened his mouth to answer before being cut off by ringing. Looking at his wristwatch, the Mask smacked the top of his head.

"Wowza! Stanley's late for work! See ya later, tin-can!" With that, the Mask jumped and dove into the hole he created in his fall.

Looking down, Iron-Man saw nothing but an empty hole. His scanners couldn't pick up anything out of the ordinary. Looking back at the A.I.M. base and the defeated M.O.D.O.K, he decided to ask an expert.

It wasn't long before the number he called answered. "Yelo, sexiest man speaking."

"I know I'm speaking, but you shouldn't do my introductions for me, Deadpool," Tony remarked with sass before asking. "Hey, what do you know about a guy in a yellow suit and a green face."

"Oh, not this again!" Deadpool groaned. "Look, just because that asshole beat me in Death Battle doesn't mean he gets to come into my universe and-"

With that, Tony hung up.

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