Reborn - HELLOOo-45

91 3 12

Long time no see, everyone.
So I am, in fact, not dead. Yay.
Exams are over which is great and I have free time now; also great. I do also have other significant commitments that will take up a lot of my time; not so great, even if these things are those that I do actually enjoy doing; great. Long story short, commissions will come faster than they usually do during the year, but not rapid-fire or the like. Thanks for all your patience, you guys. I know some of you have been waiting a long time.
Again, I feel bad about skipping the queue, but this commission came with a deadline for the end of this month, which I just managed to make. Hope you like it, HELLOOo-45. The animus-lightning and that lens-flair took FOREVER but I hope it came out alright in the end.

I promised you all a hiatus update by December, and again, cutting it close, but you can check that out in the update I just added to the Author's Note.
Thanks again y'all, see you soon.

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