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Please be aware, applying for a commission declares that you have agreed to these terms and conditions, whether you have read them or not.

A'right people let'z go

Want a commission? Ask for one! You shall be added to the Waiting Room, posted on the next part.

FOR BASES: Please comment a link to a reference picture/a description, thoroughly listing the physical attributes of your FanTribe. (Or just write your description in a comment, if you don't have it written down elsewhere.) If I do not have enough detail, I'll just take creative liberty.

FOR BOOK COVERS: Similarly, give me a thorough description of what you want on the cover, including the main subject, colors, the surrounds, any other characters, text, etc. Once again, any details not provided I will have to make stuff up to replace it. I'm asking for lots of detail as we both want your characters to look like how you imagine them, not how I imagine them. :P Also I can draw humans pretty well, so I'm happy to do covers for original works as well. (Including humans, dragons, anything in between.)

FOR HEADSHOTS, OTHER DRAWINGS, SHIP ART, ETC: Yeah just describe to me what you want, with, again, lots of description!!!! Happy to do any kind of ship art that is within the bounds of SFW.

I also do drawing tutorials now apparently. You can request that too, if you wanted.


- This WILL go on hiatus at some stages during the year as I, too, have a life. I get these done when I can. The waiting list will remain, and during hiatus I will continue to work on stuff when life allows it, but it will take ages, sorry. On hiatus, no more commissions will be added to the Waiting Room. Ask again when the hiatus is over.

- To receive your finished commission, I will simply post it here, tagging you so you will be notified. It will stay in this book, mostly to demonstrate my work. I won't claim credit for your tribe or book or original characters, only my own art.

- Please, please do not remove my signature from the artworks. Having it on there is credit enough for me, and if you take it off I will be sad :(

- If you make your base available to your followers or friends etc, that's up to you. Once it's posted here, you, as the owner, have the power to decide what to use it for. Have fun with it, use it for your FanTribe book or Fanfic or whatever. Go nuts, man.

- Only one commission at a time per person, aka one FanTribe, one cover, one page of art.

- I will only make book covers of works that are uploaded. Not necessarily complete, but if you already have something up here I will at least know that it's visible and not sitting in your photo library forever after you got writers block and lost motivation to write your fic.

- I have no idea when your work will be done. I'm sorry. I have to work on my own schedule, but I will get it done A.S.A.P. If you need your work done by a deadline, let me know when you ask for your commission and I'll let you know if it's doable.

- All art is done by me

- Be nice, man. I'm doing this for free, I can refuse to draw anything for anyone. Simply don't give me a reason to.

Yeah I think that's everything. Hope you like your art, y'all.

FanTribe Bases (And Other Commissions)Where stories live. Discover now