Chapter 1- The Beginning

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Tina Maxwell

I wake up to the familiar sound of my alarm clock, I look at the time, it's 5:45 a.m.

"Argh, why do I have to wake up so early!", I groan.

"Miss Tina Maxwell, I swear, if you don't get up, you are grounded for a whole week", mum yells from the kitchen.

Oh well, it's time I introduce myself, I'm Tina Maxwell, and I'm not a popular teenage girl (also known as a snob)out there.I don't fret over a drink spilled over my shirt by totally freaking out and declaring a fashion emergency or wear a ton of makeup just to make everyone gawk at me and I'm definitely not the girl who spends every weekend getting her hair and nails done at a beauty salon and spend all my allowance on designer clothes. Nuh uh!

I'm more on the unpopular side, dark baggy clothes,hair done into a messy bun and no friends.

Anyway, where was I?

So, every morning I'm forced to accompany my mum for her morning jog, it's actually kind of embarrassing, my mom practically knows everyone in the park she goes to. She always boasts to everyone about my fabulous grades and how I always get straight A's in all my classes.

I really don't like attention , I'm a huge introvert so I just made up an excuse about how the park is too crowded and noisy and settled with going to another garden to have my morning jog. Sure, it's way smaller and less extravagant than the park my mum goes to, but it's way more peaceful here. It also gives me some alone time to think about stuff.

I wasn't always this way, so insecure, shy and gloomy. A few years ago, I was a really cheerful girl who lit up any person's face by throwing a lovely smile at them.

But now, I'm just a dull sixteen year-old.

Author's note:-

Hey guys

This is my first story on Wattpad and I really hope you like it.If you do, don't forget to vote and comment. And please ignore the grammatical mistakes, if you find any. No hate please, it will not be tolerated.

All the pictures you find in this story are taken from Google.

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