Epilogue One- In the Courthouse

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Slamming the door behind him, Charlie kicked off his shoes and immediately went to flop down on the couch.

"Char?" Nick called from the kitchen of their shared flat, "That you?"

Charlie only mumbled in response, only moving his hand to pet their cat, Laly. A little black bundle of fur. 

Nick peeked his head into the living room, only seeing his boyfriend's mop of black hair on top of a pillow. 

"Char?" Only a mumble. Nick walked over and sat down, putting Charlie's legs on his lap. "What happened?" Laly, being the sweet baby she was, hopped up onto Nick's lap and purred for attention, jumping down and sauntering away when she didn't receive any. 

Charlie rolled over and sighed, "I hate people." Catching Nick's expectant expression, "I was walking down Larkwood and a bunch of teenage shits saw my rainbow laces," he said, gesturing to his black converse in the mudroom, "and they started calling me names and I'm pissed, and I just wanted to go to the cafe in peace and those little demon spawn kept taunting so I'm hangry." 

Swiftly, Nick picked Charlie up bridal style and carried him to the kitchen. Sitting Charlie down on a barstool, Nick walked over to the other side of the counter and leaned against it. 

"Um, what are you doing?" 

"What do you want for lunch?" Nick asked. 

"I was gonna get a sandwich with mayo, ham, lettuce, and cheese." Charlie grumbled. 

"Coming right up." Nick said cheerily. 

Charlie watched his boyfriend as he made him a sandwich. Nick had recently turned 31 and Charlie knew Nick had been struggling with the concept of getting older. Although people had laid off harassing Nick about his sexuality, especially still being so famous, Nick still got irritated with shocked looks and whispers. 


"Hm?" Nick responded, spreading mayo on the bread. 

"Do you wanna get married tomorrow?" 

Nick's head shot up, looking at Charlie like he had sprouted antlers. 

"What-" Nick started, mouth hanging open.

Charlie shrugged. "I don't know, neither of us really want a massive wedding and we've been together for 6 years almost. We've talked about getting married. And neither of us are getting younger. We live together. I love you and you love me, soooo." he finished, leaning on his hand.

"Um, yeah, okay." Nick said, grinning. 


Nick put the knife and mayo jar down and ran over to his fiancé. He picked Charlie up and spun him around. "I love you SO much, Char. More than anything in the entire universe." 

Charlie hugged Nick tightly. "You are the entire world to me, Nick." 

"So we're getting married?" Nick asked, pulling back to look Charlie in the eyes. 

"Yep. We're gonna be husbands." 

"Hold on, who's gonna take whose name?"

"We could hyphenate?" Charlie suggested.


Charlie looked at Nick questioningly. 

"I'll take your name." Nick decided.


"I think Nicholas Luke Spring sounds nice." Nick said, repeating the same thing he had said all those years ago, when they first talked about getting married. 

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