Chapter Eight

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Hey! Hope you all are having a lovely day! If any of you like history at all, take a listen to Queens Podcast on Spotify/Stitcher. They go over historical queens/badass women in history. Usually I'd avoid ads like this but they are who I listen to while writing so yeah! If you do listen let me know what you think :D -Holly 



Charlie was struggling. Badly. He and Nick had been sneakily dating and kissing in corners and dressing rooms for 3 weeks. The movie was nearly halfway done and with the rush to finish it and get it to the editors, work had been ramping up and they had stayed most nights until 2 am. With Charlie's inability to sleep overall and the consistence of energy drinks and lack of time to eat, his mental health had been declining steadily but today it felt like his world might collapse. 

He sat in his dressing room with the lights off, trying to just breathe. 

In and out, in and out. All he wanted to do was sleep.


Charlie's eyes popped open.

He sat up and sighed. 

Charlie managed to get through the rest of the day filming once again till midnight. 

He sat in the parking lot afterwards, trying not to cry to no avail, letting silent tears drip down his cheeks. 

Nick walked out the door holding the keys to his little blue Nissan. He spotted Charlie and walked over.

"Hi." Nick notices Charlie quickly wipe his face. "Are you crying?"

Charlie sniffs, "um, no." Nick just looks at him. "Yeah." Charlie sobs out.

Nick pulls him in for a hug, holding the shorter boy against his chest. "Wanna come back to mine?"

Charlie pulls away. "Can we go to mine instead, I want my own bed." 

"Of course, love."

Nick drives them back to Charlie's flat and gets out. They walk up to the door and step inside.

Nick looks around, "This is lovely." Charlie thanks him and takes Nick's hand, leading him to his room. 

The room was... purely Charlie-esque. A neon music sign hung above Charlie's twin bed, a dresser and several posters, a full bathroom and a small closet. Books were piled in a corner and a clock with small numbers sat blinking on the bedside table. 

"Sorry it's a bit messy." Nick shakes his head, "No. I love it." 

Charlie nods. 

Nick sits on the bed and looks at his love. "Okay, what's going on?" Charlie looks away. "I don't want to burden you." 

"You won't."

Charlie starts to cry again and joins Nick on the bed. "I'm just so tired. We've been working so late and the press interviews are wild and I miss my sister and brother and I just need to sleep but I can't seem to get warm or cozy. I miss my family and it's hard."

Nick hugs Charlie gently, letting him cry on his shoulder.

"Do you want me to stay tonight, Char?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay, do you mind if I go get some water?"

"Yeah, kitchen is downstairs, I'm gonna change." 

Nick makes his way to the kitchen and pulls out his phone. 

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