1: Brokeness

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It wasn't the first time Mia had woken up without Xavier beside her. She had subconsciously gotten used to waking up without him beside her. Being used to it didn't remove the ache his absence brought her.

Something had happened. Something happened to him, and she didn't know what it was. He wasn't the same Xavier she knew, at least not in the last three months.

They slept beside each other, but she felt she was beside a stranger. She couldn't read his mind anymore, and in the seven years they had been true mates, that had never happened. She believed her inability to read him was her fault initially, but then she realised it wasn't. He had created a barrier in his mind to keep her out of it. It didn't make sense; why would he do that? What was he hiding from her?

She confronted him a week later, and he told her he had nothing to hide.

It was a lie; she didn't have to read him to know that. It was the first time in years that he had lied to her, and it hurt. What was he hiding, and why couldn't he tell her about it? They were mates, and that meant they were to share everything, yet this he had hidden from her.

With this secret came the bridge between them. At first, she still gave herself to him, but it soon became unbearable, and their moment together brought her nothing but pain.

She had cried seven weeks ago while they were united in lovemaking. He tried to console her, but she drew away and told him she needed the room.

He hadn't touched her since then, and though they stayed on the same bed, nothing happened. There had been times she desired him as one would a mate, but it wasn't worth the torture. She didn't chase him away; she told herself he would come out to her with the truth, but many months later, nothing changed, and every day that went by, her heart broke even more.

She pulled herself to sit down in bed, knowing the day had already begun and she didn't have the luxury of an excuse; she was the queen, and so she had duties to fulfil no matter how she felt.

She caught her hand roaming over the side of the bed where he slept, and his scent lingered. She longed for him despite everything, and she knew she would never stop. He was her mate, king, and the only one for her.

After getting ready, Sir Valerio was at her door to escort her to the maiden's court, where they held their monthly meeting.

If Valerio noticed anything about her aura, he said nothing about it. They arrived, and Mia saw herself into the court, where the other maidens waited for her. The meeting kicked off with many maidens coming up with their ways of contributing to the coming war, just like they had done in the last few months.

The elders in the council spoke and tasked the maidens with the roles they would have to play in the coming war, and a few of the maidens wanted to fight beside the men, which was welcomed and accepted.

"Are you okay, my queen?" Luna Elena asked as the meeting ended and the maidens took their leave. Mia would only leave once the maidens were out, so she had to wait.

She forced a smile and asked, "How do you mean?"

Luna Elena shook her head. "Nothing; I just noticed you are not yourself, and this isn't the first time you have been this way. I noticed it a few months ago, but I didn't want to pry. My queen, I hope you are okay."

Her fake smile remained: "Well, I am fine; I'm just exhausted. The war coming is great, and all we can think about is preparation."

"True, my queen." Luna Elena bowed her head. "Forgive me for intruding."

Mia wished she didn't have to pretend, but she had to. The people looked up to the King and Queen for hope in the face of the coming war. Telling them all wasn't well would only bring doubt, especially since she wasn't sure what was happening with the king herself.

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