Chapter 22: Smoke and Mazes

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Sebastian woke up feeling ill. The day of the final trial was drawing nearer, hanging over his head like a dark storm cloud.

He got up unsteadily, sluggishly getting dressed, his head was pounding and he felt sick to his stomach, he couldn't stop shaking. He left Draco asleep, not wanting to disturb anyone.

Adrien and Destiel were fast asleep holding each other, Sebastian was glad the two were reunited.

Blaise wasn't present, Sebastian figured he'd gone on an early morning walk with Neville. He silently made his way out of the dorm with practiced ease. Years of living in a volatile abusive household, trying to sneak food scraps, meant he'd perfected the art of stealth.

As Vernon would so often reminded him, his duty was to make no noise and pretend he didn't exist. It was harder to do that at Hogwarts, but now he was Sebastian it was slightly easier, except for the fact he'd attracted Ron's anger, simply for existing. If only Ron knew the true...Sebastian couldn't wait to see he look on Ron's face when he finally revealed his identity.

Sebastian headed towards the clock tower, he wanted to be alone with his thoughts.

He wasn't expecting to see someone sat at the edge of the clock tower so early. Very few people were awake at this time unless they had to be.

It was a boy about his age, wearing Slytherin robes, he had sleek wavy hair that was a dark shade of brown, a small beauty spot under his eye and olive skin, however it was currently mottled with bruises. Painful hues of red and purple marred his face.

Sebastian recognised him, he'd seen him around the Slytherin common area.

It was Theodore Nott.

Sebastian awkwardly walked over to him and sat down. "Hey....are you okay?"

Theodore looked up, the bruised skin shining. He'd been crying, Sebastian realised. "I'm fine." He muttered, tone coming out cold and clipped as he bowed his head again.

Sebastian was good at recognising when someone was putting walls up. "No you're not." He said softly. "It's okay...I've been beaten up plenty, you can trust me."

Theodore frowned, looking over at Sebastian. "Why do you even care?" He snapped, glaring harshly.

Sebastian saw through the show of intimidation. Theodore was scared and in pain. He was like a wounded animal baring it's teeth.

"Because everyone deserves to have someone caring about them."

Theodore looked away. "I had a run in with the big deal." He muttered.

"Let me guess, it was Weasley?"

Theodore quirked an eyebrow. "Has he been bothering you too?"

"That's an understatement, he resents all Slytherin's it seems like. He's an ass." Sebastian huffed, venom dripping from his tone. Just the thought of Ron made his blood boil now.

"That's one way of putting it." Theodore sighed, gingerly touching the shiner under his eye. It hurt like hell. "I know some of the other Slytherin's antagonise the Gryffindor's, but I wasn't even doing anything....they just came up to me, starting spouting a bunch of nonsense about my family...I told them where to shove it-and got a beating for my efforts."

Sebastian sighed. "That sounds like Weasley. All I have to do is be in the same room as him to piss him off. Come on, you need to see Madame Pomfrey." He said, standing up and holding a hand out to Theodore.

"No thanks." Theodore muttered, tone going back to being clipped and standoffish. "I'm not a fan of people poking their noses into my business. It's just a bruise, I'll be fine."

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