Bellatrix's Brutality

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It was incredibly difficult for Y/N to not just throw his all into the duel with Bellatrix immediately. As much as he wanted to hurt her, to get revenge for all the things that she'd done, he had to focus on his friends. Two of them were already out for the count, and Ron didn't seem to be in much of a better position.

Bellatrix, however, was suffering from none of that and so she gave it her all from the start.

With a mad cackle, a bolt of lightning shot straight at Y/N. He rolled to the side, half crouched and levelled his wand.


For the first time in a long while, his opponent's shield charm repelled his attack, and whilst for a brief moment Bellatrix looked frightened, the mad cackle soon returned. But he hadn't expected that to work. Bellatrix was a good duellist, that much was obvious.

Bellatrix retaliated with an Imperius curse. Y/N let this hit him and as Bellatrix began to chant:

'Kill your friends, kill your friends!'

Y/N instead raised his wand at her and shot a stunning spell. She managed to reflect this, losing her Imperius curse in the process but snarled as she steadied herself.

'So, little Y/N is immune to that little trick, is he?'

'I'm immune to most of the tricks of you and yours,' said Y/N, 'but you aren't to mine.'

Y/N split, five others stepping out of rooms nearby and surrounding the Death Eater. Bellatrix stared around wildly and as she did, all six Y/Ns pointed their wand at a different candle.

All six split, the blue flames dimming and seeming to pour onto the floor like a liquid, then, all sprang into humanoid shapes born of fire which rushed Bellatrix.

Bellatrix let out a scream and threw a shield charm all the way around her. Y/N ordered one of the flames forward.

Holding this many illusions was difficult, and he was lucky Bellatrix wasn't paying too much attention, the real Y/N was visibly struggling. However, one of those flame people was real. If he could just break the shield...

The first of the fake flame figures charged, barrelling right through Bellatrix's shield charm and rushing her. Bellatrix screamed again, staggering backwards and her shield charm broke.

The other flame creatures surged, each rearing back to punch her. But only the real one found its mark.

The flame creature's fist connected with the back of Bellatrix's head, she let out a yell of pain and her hair singed. She staggered forward and screamed:


All the flame figures and illusions vanished. Y/N felt the pressure in his head alleviate, that was the next training. Get used to using about twenty different illusions at once. Assuming he survived this. And Bellatrix evidently didn't want that.

The jet of green light soared from the end of her wand and Y/N ducked under it. It smashed into the wall behind him. He'd forgotten about that spell. That would be a quick way to end this fight, meaning he had to end it quicker.


This time, the spell did find its mark, slashing straight through Bellatrix's shield charm and cutting along her face. As she staggered, Y/N pointed his wand at the door behind her. The door flew open.

Y/N summoning all of the anger, rage, aggression, and everything he'd felt that year bellowed,


The spell hit Bellatrix straight in the chest, Y/N could have sworn he heard something break, but she was blasted away, straight through the door he'd opened, and with another lazy flick of his wand, the door slammed shut.

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