A Dark Omen

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The three Weasleys and Sirius left not long after, but Y/N was still stood in the meeting room, talking with Remus and Tonks about what had just happened.

'Is this normally advanced stuff then?' asked Y/N, 'You all seemed so shocked.'

'Very few wizards are known to have ever been able to do it. And even less at your age,' said Remus. 'I certainly couldn't. And even now I can barely manage more than a summoning charm. It's more popular in other areas of the world. Uagadou is well known for it.'

'I can't at all,' said Tonks brightly. 'It'd be dead helpful for Auror work, don't suppose you're looking for a job?'

'Don't think mum or Dumbledore would let me drop out of Hogwarts,' said Y/N with a laugh. 'Besides, the Ministry don't really like me right now.'

'No, I suppose not,' said Tonks thoughtfully. 'Doubt they'd want to hire someone giving them so much trouble. It's a shame really.'

'Maybe once I leave,' said Y/N, 'you can be my mentor.'

'Me?' said Tonks incredulously. 'You really think I can teach you anything? Remus seems much better at it.'

'I am also not a qualified Auror,' said Remus. 'I am not even a qualified Professor.'

'You're clearly good for Y/N to turn out like this,' said Tonks, gesturing towards Y/N. Y/N could see the attempted compliment, but Remus either didn't or ignored it, so Y/N stepped in.

'I'm sure there's plenty I could learn from you as well Tonks, don't knock yourself! She is right though Remus. You're the reason I'm as good as I am.'

Remus shook his head and sighed.

'I have simply helped you unlock your own potential Y/N, and taught you a few extra spells along the way.'

Y/N opened his mouth to argue but there came a soft knock at the door, so quiet that it took them a minute to realise where the noise had come from.

Remus moved over to the door and opened it, revealing a very worried looking Hermione, who looked up at Remus and then past him into the room straight at Y/N. She looked shaken up, and close to tears.

'Hey,' said Y/N softly, walking forwards to meet her half-way across the room and pulling her into a soft hug, kissing the top of her head and running his hand through her hair. 'It's alright babe, I've got you. What's up?'

She looked back at where Remus still stood. He understood at once and closed the door. Him and Tonks moving up so Hermione could speak quietly.

'It's Harry. He... he was so angry. He shouted at us once he got upstairs, said all sorts of things...'

And Hermione recounted Harry's words. Yelling about how he'd been left out of everything, about how everyone had been having fun without him, how he'd been the one to face down everything the year before and had been told nothing despite Y/N being inducted into the Order because of what he'd done.

'He's really not happy with you,' she added quietly once she'd finished. 'He thinks you're abandoning us. That after everything you've been through together, he should be able to trust you.'

'He can trust me,' said Y/N darkly, 'and he can trust it when I say I can't tell him anything.'

'Not quite anything,' said Remus. 'We'll need to tell him some things, both because he'll find out anyway whilst he's here and also to appease him. We don't want another incident. But he will have to accept that you cannot divulge every one of the Order's plans. Especially once term time starts up again, mostly because you won't be privy to a lot of them.'

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