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Anastasia's emotions on that day were far from happiness. Rather, she was overwhelmed with nerves, bordering on sheer terror. As she fixated on the pregnancy test, time seemed to stretch endlessly, and she felt a numbing sensation spreading through her body, accompanied by knots tightening and loosening in her stomach. It had only been three months since their wedding, and except for a few days in a month, Ivan and she were intimate almost every day, sometimes even twice.

It was almost inevitable that she would become pregnant. But the question was: how would Ivan react? Would he even want kids this soon? They never really talked about it. Not explicitly at least. Ivan was always either too busy with his work—whatever that work entailed, as he never went into details—or he was home, occupied with his hands on her.

Don't get her wrong, she loved her husband more than anything. She loved the way he cherished her, made her feel and how careful he seemed to be while rocking her world. But after the marriage, she couldn't deny some things had changed. It was as if sometimes he was a different person altogether.

For instance, that day when she went to his office to call him for lunch and found him sitting with two men she had never seen. Ivan had gotten really mad that day, he didn't even have lunch. Or dinner. But when he came to the bedroom that night, he was really aggressive with the way he tore her clothes and fucked her as if staking a claim on her.

Shaking her head, Anastasia realized she was letting her thoughts wander into unnecessary speculation once again. While she may not have been fully aware of her husband's business affairs, it was evident that he was burdened with immense pressure. She had observed the telltale signs.

Dismissing her fleeting doubts, she placed the pregnancy test in the corner of the washbasin and proceeded to wash her hands before taking a shower. After getting ready for the day, she descended the stairs to assist the maids with breakfast, only to be taken aback by the sight of three men entering their home. Two of them were supporting the third individual, who appeared unable to walk on his own.

Filled with panic, Anastasia's heart raced as she saw the third person was none other than Ivan, her husband, who was bleeding profusely. His face was contorted with unbearable pain, causing her distress to intensify. The phone slipped from her trembling hand as she struggled to comprehend the situation and determine how to help him. Before she could rush to his side, she felt the sharp intensity of his gaze upon her, followed by a threatening growl.

"Get out of here, Ana! Go upstairs and stay there until I tell you otherwise!" he grunted, sounding absolutely angry. Without hesitation, the two men accompanying Ivan dragged him away, presumably to the basement.

Ana could do nothing but watch helplessly as tears welled up in her eyes.

Ana could do nothing but watch helplessly as tears welled up in her eyes

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"You are wasting your time, Ivan couldn't care less about us," I muttered through clenched teeth, sitting in the car with my kids snuggled up against me. Their tiny hands held onto me tightly, their eyes wide with fear.

Buklin Yakov sat in the passenger seat, smirking, while we waited for one of his guys to pick something up, not giving a damn about where they were headed. It was just a quick detour before we hit the road again.

He laughed. "Oh, we'll find out soon enough, won't we?"

I couldn't help but glare at him, my anger boiling beneath the surface. "You think this is some kind of game? My kids and I are caught up in this messed-up world, and Ivan doesn't care about any of it. Trust me!"

The kids huddled closer to me, seeking comfort and safety amidst the chaos surrounding us. Their innocent faces reflected a mix of confusion and terror, and my heart ached for them. I held them closer, hiding the way my legs were shaking.

Buklin smirk wavered for a moment. "Listen, sweetheart, Ivan may not give a shit right now, but once he realizes what's at stake, he'll come crawling back. He always does," he said, his tone dripping with arrogant confidence.

A bitter scoff escaped my lips, disbelief tingling in my voice.

Maybe, just maybe, if I could make him believe that we weren't worth a dime, he would see no reason to keep us captive. Because the alternative, I knew all too well, would likely result in a hail of bullets tearing through our bodies, leaving us lifeless in a pool of blood. They would toss us unceremoniously into the back of a random car, leaving Ivan with the license plate number so he could track us down, even in death.

"I won't hold my breath." I shot back, my voice filled with defiance. "We've endured enough with Ivan. By handing us over, you're practically sealing our fate, leaving us to be killed. And don't underestimate him. He's not the composed man he appears to be on the surface. Deep down, he's a monster."

"You think you know Ivan better than I do?" he sneered, attempting to regain his composure. "I've seen the worst of him, and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. You're just a pawn in his sick game, and he won't rest until he has you back under his thumb."

I clenched my fists, my anger fueling my words. There was some truth in his words. But we weren't some damn pawn for him to control anymore. I was done being a victim and so were my kids. We'll fight tooth and nail to break free from his grip and never look back.

"What's the matter? Cat got your fucking tongue?" he mocked, shaking his head in disbelief.

Once the driver returned, we were back on the road. The car's engine hummed, providing a backdrop to the anxious thoughts racing through my mind.

"Mama, where are we going?" Ivan Jr.'s small voice broke the silence, barely audible above a whisper. "Are we in danger? Who is this man?"

The questions from my son tugged at my heart, reminding me of the weight of responsibility I carried as a mother. I needed to shield my children from the harsh realities that surrounded us, while still providing them with a sense of security.

I reached over, kissing his head. "Don't you worry, my love. Mama will protect you, no matter what. We're going to be okay."

My daughter, Tati, who had been listening intently, spoke up with a timid voice. "But, Mama, why are we running? Where is Daddy...?"

I moved my baby girl to my lap, hugging her small form. "Sometimes, people change, my darlings, and it's better for us to be away from that change."

"Okay, Mama," Ivan Jr. whispered. "As long as we're together, we'll be okay, right?"

A tender smile touched my lips as I squeezed both my kids closer to my sides. "Absolutely, my love. We're a team, and nothing can break us apart. We'll face whatever comes our way, and we'll overcome it, together."

A/N: Don't forget to like and comment, your thoughts matter a lot :)

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A/N: Don't forget to like and comment, your thoughts matter a lot :)

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