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"Love is Patient"


We stare at each other for what seemed like a good 2 hours.

For some reason I couldn't think of anything to talk about and the silence was getting uncomfortable.

"This isn't working huh?" He asks.

I was set up on a blind date by my friend, Londyn and the man sounded great on paper but in the flesh, he wasn't that interesting.

The more the date went on, the more he was either talking about himself or looking at the waitress who was waiting our table.

He was the generic business man. You know the one's that you see in every movie that has the personality of a blank piece of computer paper.

They somehow manage to make everything about them and leave you with two or three sentences to say.

"Im glad you said it." I sigh. "Why don't I just go?" I say and start to put on my jacket and grab my purse. I take a couple of dollars out to pay for my drink and appetizer.

"Oh no you don't have to do that, I got it." He says.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Yea, I got it." He says

"Well it was nice meeting you Ashlynn, get home safe." He lends his out for me to shake it.

"You too Angelo." I shake his hand, turn around and leave.

'This is the last time I will ever let you set me up on a blind date.😒' I send a text to Londyn.

I get in my car and head to my apartment.

I eventually get there and I go inside.

Londyn's name popped up on my screen, indicating that she wanted to FaceTime.

I answer.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Now is that how you greet your best friend?" She asks.

"Yes! Especially when the best friend set me up on a blind date with a guy that wouldn't stop talking about himself and couldn't keep his eyes off of the waitress the entire time." I explain.

I headed upstairs to unwind.

"Now listen, you know I didn't mean for that to happen. I thought he would be a good match for you but I guess I was wrong." She explains.

"I can't blame you, it's not your fault but I will be finding love on my own from now on." I say.

"Hey Ash, how'd the date go?" I hear Londyn's husband, Matthew say in the background.

"Hey Matt, it was absolutely horrible." I say.

"Dang again?" He says.

"Shut up Matthew." Londyn yells at him.

"Yes...please." I shake my head and say with a stale tone of voice.

Unconditional Love - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now