Chapter 84

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Warm sunlight spilled through the windows and landed on Noel's dark curls, encasing them in a soft golden glow.

Next to him, Paul lay awake watching the soft rise and fall of the figure beneath the blankets and his eyes roved the sleeping face as he tried to commit each detail to memory.

Noel stirred softly and his eyelids slowly lifted as his body roused itself awake.

Brown eyes met brown eyes as the memory of the previous night rushed in and Noel felt his face begin to heat up in embarrassment. He shut his eyes in mortification only to open it up right back as a thought popped into his head.

'How long have you been awake?'

'A while,' Paul answered softly.

'And you've just been watching me sleep?'

'You drool a little, did you know that?' Paul mentioned instead. 'And you kick a lot as well.'

Noel shut his eyes again and buried his face in the blankets. 'Please don't tell me, I kicked you.'

'If I was still captain of the soccer team, I would offer you a spot right now.' Paul sighed. 'As it happens, I'm afraid I would have to content myself with being the sole witness to your extraordinary talent.'

Noel threw a pillow at him. 'Shut up. You try having twelve siblings then get back to me.'

'Can I meet them?'

That caught Noel off-guard. 'Huh?'

Paul's eyes were hopeful as he repeated the question. 'Your siblings; can I meet them? You met my family after all, it's only fair I get to meet yours.'

Noel turned away from his earnest gaze as he considered the question. 'Are you sure? They are a bit... rough.'

Paul chuckled. 'And mine weren't? What's the problem, Jayden met them, didn't he?'

'But you are not Jayden,' Noel murmured. 'You are you.'

Paul bit back a snort. 'Well, I am glad about that. Can you imagine Jayden doing the things I did to you last night?'

Noel couldn't hold back the horrified shudder that ran down his spine. 'Never say that again.'

Paul smiled. 'So, can I meet them?'

Noel hesitated before sighing, 'Why not?'

Paul's smile widened and he leaned down to place a soft kiss on his forehead. 'Thank you.'

'You wouldn't be thanking me when you do,' Noel muttered but there was a soft smile on his face all the same.

Paul began to play absently with his hair. 'How are you feeling?'

'Tired. Sore, but in a good way.'

'We need to get ready for class,' Paul stated as Noel burrowed deeper into the blankets.

'Do we have to?' Noel whined.

Paul chuckled. 'Yes, or people would wonder where we disappeared to or,' his tone grew mischievous. 'more importantly what we're getting up to.'

Noel shot him a playful smirk. 'What are we getting up to? Last night was a different issue but now, we're just two friends lying innocently in bed.'

'Innocently?' Paul asked as he nipped the soft skin of Noel's neck.


'Really?' Paul asked, biting the skin as he moved lower.

The bedroom door suddenly swung open and Samuel walked in. 'Noel, have you seen...'

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