Chapter 65

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Jayden paced furiously through the gardens that surrounded the manor. He had needed to cool down after his altercation with his father and he was in no mood to speak to anyone. He took a deep breath and stared up into the cloudless sky. The milky way was strewn brightly against the velvet tapestry of the night and the stars twinkled playfully from the heavens.

It was a moonlit night and across the still air, the faint sounds of laughter and music could be heard from the manor as the ball continued.

He took another deep breath and calming himself, he let his features settle into an impassive expression. A fierce light of determination, however, remained in his eyes. He turned around and made his way back to the manor; he had already been outside for more than an hour.

He stopped at the entrance and glanced down at his soaked trousers and mud-caked shoes. He changed his direction and entered the manor from the side entrance that was used by the staff.

He made his way to his room, deciding to change his clothes before rejoining the party. The hallways were empty as he moved steadily through, everyone occupied with the activities downstairs.

He reached the door to his room and twisting the handle, made his way inside. His entire body froze in place at the sight that greeted him.

'Why hello, Jayden. You've kept us waiting for quite a while.'

Azrael sat languidly on his bed and beside him lay an unconscious Samuel. Azrael smiled reassuringly as he caught the look on Jayden's face.

'Don't worry, he's not dead. At least not yet. It's all dependent on your good behaviour you see.'

Jayden's eyes flashed with malevolence. 'Get away from him.'

Azrael grinned. 'Come, now. Let's not get worked up so easily.'

Jayden moved towards the bed but a glint of light froze him in his steps. Azrael traced the dagger lazily down Samuel's neck.

'I would behave myself if I were you,' he said as he caressed Samuel's face lovingly with the blade of the knife. 'This dagger is so sharp and he has such tender skin as I'm sure you could attest.'

Jayden's jaw clenched but he kept his rage in check. 'What do you want?'

Azrael let out a desolate sigh. 'You know Jayden, I am disappointed in you. You had such great promise and yet look what you've been reduced to.' He shook his head morosely. 'So disappointed.'

Jayden's gaze was cold. 'Forgive me, but I had no idea that I was the object of your pride.'

'Not pride exactly. Hope. You see I had such high hopes for you. You were my equal in every way. We were supposed to be great archnemesis, the Sherlock to my Moriarty.'

'How quaint.'

Azrael's expression turned wistful. 'I remember the first time we met. All my life no one has ever been able to see the part of me that I do not willingly show, not even your formidable mother. I have a hunch that Headmistress Fontaine had an idea -she never fully trusted me you see, but even she could not fully grasp the depths of my depravity.' He chuckled fondly. 'You, on the other hand, you were different. You took one look at me with that penetrating gaze of yours and you immediately cut through all the glamours and charms that I had painstakingly cultivated around myself. You took one look and saw me for who I truly am. You saw me as me.'

A faraway look came into his eyes. 'My first instinct was to kill you of course. However, despite myself, I had to admit I was intrigued.  Only one other person has known me for who I truly am -she is dead now so it's of no consequence, but when she saw me she knew fear. I looked into your eyes and instead of fear, I saw a challenge. You were a danger to me but I decided to let you live. It's one of my worst flaws really, completely disregarding personal safety for a moment of exhilaration.'

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