Adi : The Nanny

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The Nanny by ONE_H_
Reviewer:  nusranathry

Summary / Blurb

The summary of the book is well written and well described. There's no exaggeration or unnecessary parts -- it is exactly the way it should be -- well defined and explained. By the summary, we get a chance to understand what the story is about, about Harida's character and her purpose in the story. Along with the mentioned aspects, the summary also explains Harida's current character personality, the way she could be developed and overall, the plot of the book. In the end, I have nothing much to say about the summary as it's perfect the way it is.

Vocabulary / Grammar / Punctuation / Descriptions

The vocabulary of the book is well refined — all the words are used appropriately and nothing seemed out of the place. The author's writing style evidenced the fact that their vocabulary is well furnished. The author's writing style and words were written smoothly which helped me to understand the book better and perfectly so the vocabulary of the book is fine.

I didn't notice many grammatical errors in the book -- the ones that I noticed were minor and I noticed some slip of tense here and there but I'm sure as you edit your book, you'll fix those as well. Other than the slip of tense, there weren't any other grammatical errors.

The punctuation of the book is apt but I noticed a lot of misspelling in the first few chapters and I also pointed out some typos in the comment section. Hopefully you'll see to them and fix them as soon as possible as the misspellings can make the book not look like a well-written book.

I don't have much to say about the descriptions of the book because they're minimal and minimalistic -- no descriptions seemed out of place or too much. For a thriller genre book, this book has the right amount of descriptions. There were some parts where the author's descriptions about a certain character's outlooks seemed almost distracting to the story. For example, whenever a character was introduced, spending a lot of words just on describing the character's sole looks could be a little distracting for the readers. There are other ways to do that. For instance, a character's looks and appearances could be described through their actions -- rather than spending a description on them. The point here isn't to just describe their appearances, but to also make them memorable to the readers. Oftentimes, just describing character appearances in one setting, and then never once bringing them again in the story can make the readers forget about the character's outlooks. Other than all that, the descriptions are written well.

Plot / Plotline

The plot of the book revolves around the main character, Harida, who is struggling with financial issues, but when a job as a nanny knocks at her door, she grasps it and thinks of it as a new way of starting her life. But she soon discovers that her job as the Nanny is nothing but a cover and there's much more about this job.

The start of the book is a bit surprising as it starts with Harida running away from a shooting range and then rescuing herself. Later on in the first chapter, we see a character named Praise and her conversation with Harida about what happened. At the end, the author made it clear that Harida is about to leave the place and start a new beginning. Praise offers to give her money, which Harida declines politely and with other reasons. The chapter ends with Harida leaving. In third chapter, we slowly get to the plot when Henry offers her a job and Harida accepts it, thinking it to be a well paid job and that it would help her. Harida slowly realises that this job is not what it seems and behind its facade, there's something far more dark and cynical. As the chapters progress, we slowly get that as Harida gets into troubles after troubles and even gets beaten by some as well. Since I have read only eight chapters, there isn't much to say about the plot but it is safe to say that Harida is in for a wild ride and with the help of Henry, hopefully, things will be easier for she xD

Characters / Character Development

Harida: Harida, the protagonist of the story, is an ambitious and a driven character which instantly makes me love her and easily makes her one of my favourite characters! Harida is self aware, she knows the way the world works and despite having so many obstacles against her ways, she still thrives and works harder to be better. Harida may not come from a financially stable family, but that doesn't stop her from being the best version of herself. In each chapter, we see more layers of her character -- a good friend, a good daughter, a good sister and an amazing student. Because of what happened to her, she'd to stop pursuing her studies with physics but even then, she remained hopeful and always walked forward and that's what makes her character stand out and memorable. Another thing that I like about her character is that she has her own flaws as well -- flaws that makes her character realistic and likeable. The author's portrayal of Harida having PTSD was smooth and well-written. It didn't feel as if the author was trying too hard to portray her disorder, but was rather cool and easy with it, which I absolutely loved! So, kudos to that!! Harida still has a lot of things to work upon if she wants to survive in this job of hers and I'm sure as the story progresses, the author will work more on that !

Henry: If I'm not mistaken, I think Henry is the male lead of the story and plays a huge role on Harida's story in general. At first, Henry seemed super sus to me and maybe that was the author's intention -- to make it seem like Henry wasn't someone trustable. It's the way he talked in the beginning that kinda made him look like a creep but then again, that's just how his character is I guess? So there's that. But other than all that, the mysterious aura around Henry's character is sure interesting and makes me want to know more about him. Harida still has her suspicions about him and honestly I don't blame her because I'd do the same if I were in her shoes. All suspicions aside, I honestly don't think Henry is a bad guy because throughout the eight chapters, he seemed like he genuinely wanted to help Harida. Henry said quite a lot of times that he was a lot like Harida which means he sure has a past in this field and I'm very much interested in that! I've read only eight chapters so far but I'm sure there's more to Henry's character as the story progresses!

Reader Enjoyment

This was an amazing read so far. Just by reading a few chapters, I could feel how connected the author is to their characters, making their character more real and likeable. Harida love this story and I wish the author good luck ! 

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