Ginger : The Prep's Diary: How the prep became so preppy

43 5 5

The Prep's Diary by Superwicked
Reviewer : TaeTaeGinger88


Book cover is not much idealistic, the color theme suits the girly tint of the storyline, however there's a dire need for the fonts to be more visible. Overall, the book cover needs some major revamp.

As it's chicklit, try some unique ideas for the cover, as it can really spell a magic to attract more readers.

Title is long & informative, but nonetheless doesn't bother much. Just provides a simple insight of what is to be expected from the storyline.

Blurb is a pinpoint precision of perfection. Doesn't reveal much, but enough to spark curiosity. The questions raised really elicit an urge to read the book.


To talk about the plot development, it has been synched vividly throughout the book. No loopholes in the plotline, the story flows smoothly more than expected, especially when it's a drama genre of friends & family.

Character sketch Of Rosetta Hazel along with her backstabbing friend Mckayla, who's b*tchy throughout the story, has been worked well with. Their characters paint a vivid image in the reader's mind, so as to imagine what they're actually like in real life. Rose's character seems really bubbly & interesting, immediately sparking fondness for her character in the reader's conscience. Her personality though, & faceoff with the reality of being deceived by her BF Andrews & BFF, reciprocates utter pathetic & unlikeable side of her character.

After the breakup, she's heartbroken & is practically mentally thrashed by her ex-BFF everywhere, even though she's not at fault, & unbelievably she lets her treat her badly, the need for Rose's comeback somewhere buried which never gets paid. Admitted that no character is perfect, but somewhere you let the character of Rose let down beyond at times, weakening the basis of her character. There's a need for her character to look less vulnerable, & more authoritative, especially after the breakup.

Andrew's character is a lot more contradicting & it remains the same till the very last sip. Not much attention given to his character development.

Other side characters have got fair chances to be remembered, & considering the fact that they're simply supporting characters, they're good in their part.

As for the Plot Development, the storyline is consistent & not rushed,so it's good.


There's nothing new about the storyline though, to be honest, rather plain & without bumps. The story seems a little old & kinda dragging, the same story being revamped & presented in the same manner, except for the fact this time in the form of a diary entry, there's nothing new & amusing.

However, it could've been written in a different way, some mixture of contemporary & modern literary forms, with some extra add ups, so as to make the story unique & stand out from the other books available amply on Wattpad.

Somewhere, the ending also fails to impart a lasting impression on the reader's mind. Overall, the story lacks some major attractive appeal that a story must have.


Your vocabulary is awesome & there's nothing worth to find any loopholes in this part to point out. Grammar is also pitched well & I only encountered a few typos that are not worth mentioning. There's no issue with the narration part, tenses, or spellings.


Personally if I say, this wasn't my first time reading a chick lit book, on that note I've read a bunch of them. Chicklit is a sort of genre that has an ample open room for experiments with your writing style, & since simple narration might result in blending of your story amongst the crowd, try some new & unique writing ideas, blending creativity with genuinity. The story can have some unexpected twists & turns a little, though not unrealistic, but it will surely add up to its originality. I enjoyed reading the story so far. I'm really looking forward to the next part of your book to be published. Keep writing.

All the very best for your future writings, keep up the good work Superwicked!

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