The Problem

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 Lynne POV

They all looked at each other strangely, before Time motioned for Sky to begin explaining. 

"We are all different Heroes from different points in time, Lynne. We go by our titles, which the Master sword gives to us. I'm the Hero of the skies, Time is the Hero of Time, and so forth. We are chasing an unnamed evil across time. And it appears that we need you." 

"Alright...on a scale of one to ten, how evil are we talking?" I asked, one eyebrow raised. 

"Probably a ten." Time cut in. 

"Okay. Is the fate of the world on the line because I just finished my second quest a week ago and...," I stopped, seeing the blank looks on everyone's face. "Yeah, I know. I'll go. Hand me the Hylia-damned sword." I groused.  

Sky handed me the sword hilt first. Taking it, I felt a rush of energy leave me and saw the sword darken and decay and chip. Even with the time spent with the Light Dragon, the sword was not even close to full strength. Everyone gawked at the sword, but Sky kept a straight face. 

He smiled. 

"Welcome, Hero of the Wild." 

And it was at that moment that a white and gold portal decided to open up beneath our feet, dropping us into Hylia knows where. 

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