You will be found.-Klance

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What if Keith was raised in the Galra gladiator arenas? He's still a Galra/Human half-breed, but what if his father sent Keith with Krolia, and they were caught before reaching the Blade?

This is set before Shiro shows back up on Earth.

(Shiro's POV)

'Why is it so dark? Where am I?'

Memories of our kidnapping and torture flooded my mind and I pushed myself up onto my elbows, I waited for my eyes to adjust. I was in a cell. Again. Great.

'Where's Matt?'

Standing up, I winced as pain shot through my leg. I decided to ignore it, and moved to the door, feeling watched. Peeking out of the small window, however, I saw no one.


'Oh shit. That was behind me, wasn't it.'

I whipped around, and again, I saw no one.

"H-hello?" Cursing myself for stuttering, I took a careful step forward, ready for an attack.

~rustle rustle~

A pile of blankets in the corner shifted and rose a bit. "Who are you," I demanded, getting into a defensive stance.

A singular blanket fell off the top of the pile, revealing something unexpected.

A face. A very human-looking face.

(Keith's POV)

-A few hours prior-

I remained motionless under my nest as the guards dragged in a limp body, unceremoniously dumping it on the cot, and muttering something about the witch.

I chuckle, thinking of our last meeting. I had bitten her for touching me. Not my fault!! She ignored my warning. She hates me so much it's laughable.

'This might be another one of her toys...'

I slid out from under the pile of pillows and blankets, cautiously approaching the being. They had black and white hair, and a scar on the bridge of their nose. Looking closer, I spotted metal.

They have a robotic arm.

'It's Galran tech. Another one of her patch jobs. They are a toy.'

My face scrunched up in disgust, and I retreated back to my corner and the safety of my nest.

Only a few hours later, I was woken by a groan and shuffling.

'Seems like the Toy and I are officially cell mates...'

(Shiro's POV)

My thoughts ran wild.

'Another human?!?? We're they kidnapped as well? Do they know where we are? Why we're here?'

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