Draco being mysterious

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{This takes place after the whole, Draco lying to everyone and telling them it isn't Harry}

Dark. Well, of course it's dark, I have a bag over my head. Just as this thought crosses my mind, the cart jolts, bouncing me into the driver. It was just us two on the cart, and I believe that the reason for the bag is to keep me from fighting.

The driver wasn't some big buff dude like I had thought. I could totally take them if I could see.

What surprised me was the fact that after I bumped them they put a hand on my arm to help me get upright and stabilize myself. I knew this hand. It's the same one I felt inside the mansion, dragging me out of the hall and to the cellar.

The same hand that had, to my utter shock, patched me up and made sure I wasn't in pain. The driver was none other than Draco Malfoy.

The cart stopped and I heard a chorus of growls and teeth snapping together as the cart's right side dipped down, paws hitting wood. Only a minute later, eerie silence engulfed the cart, only broken by the constant panting behind me.

The cart began to move again. Another few minutes of silence passed, and I felt the cart slow, not even coming to a full stop before something hopped on and settled down for the ride. We sped up. Soon the sound of hooves and large, loud wing beats joined beside and above us. We slowed down, and I heard water below us. We sped up.

I noticed the quiet was back. No panting, no hooves, no wings. Just...quiet.
I decided to test my luck.

"Malf-" I began.


Yep. Definitely Malfoy. My luck has failed me.

Not that I was lucky to begin with or something, but to put it in perspective, I'm bound and blinded on a cart in the middle of nowhere driven by someone who hates me, but for some reason lied DIRECTLY to the Dark Lord about me being- well- me.

As I take my time realizing that I'm well and truly Fucked, I feel the cart come to a stop again, only this time the cart rocks left, and I here a pair of boots hit the ground.

"Alright everyone, everything, hop off and head to bed."

Chaos. Barking, Snarling, Whinnying, Growling, Chirping, Paws, Hooves, Wings and... a low Hissing?

{A pack of wolves, Thestrals, a few big cats, Birds- Chickadees in specific, a baby Dragon, and a rather large Snake- any breed that can get larger than an arm.}

{Btw, BIG time skip :D}

Draco was sweeping the floor when there was a knock, making all noise in the hut cease to exist. Dahlia, {Draco's house elf that he treats like his sister} climbing down from the cabinets where she was rearranging the plates and bowls quickly pads over to the dog door that's only visible from the inside, and peeks her head out.

She screams and rushes towards Draco, frantically pulling his shirt and pointing towards the door. The wolves, understanding that she's scared, get up and sit just in front of the door. Another knock, more frantic this time.

I stand up and go to the window facing the front, carefully opening the curtains just enough to see out.
{It's Narcissa, and she's there to warn Draco and Harry that the Dark Lord is looking for them, and she'll be sealing the wards around the house when she leaves. The wards make the house invisible to the outside world, and confuse/misdirect people so they don't accidentally cross the barrier. The only things that can get through and back is what's already inside the barrier before it seals.}

{All of the resident creatures are called, and once all of them are safely gathered in the front yard, Draco and Narcissa embrace each other, knowing that once she seals the barrier she'll forget why and how she's in the middle of the forest.}

{This one was fun to write (UnU). I had no idea how to write the last bit tho, so it's up to interpretation. The only thing I want to possibly clear up is that all of the animals come and go through the house, not only the wolves. So like, at any giving point, you could witness a Thestral curled up on a rug with a bunch of Chickadees perched on it's wings and  a fucking bobcat cuddled into it's side.}

{TYYYY!!! <3<3<3}

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