Chapter 3- Night of the Moonlit Massacre

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Alex continued to be intrigued by what he found in the ancient scroll.

"In that scroll, I came across a title called the Crimson Shadow Hunter, said to be the best of all. Can you tell me about him too?" Alex inquired.

Jayden hesitated for a moment before deciding to reveal the truth.

"Alex, I'm the Crimson Shadow Hunter, aka Jayden Shadowhart of the Crimson Sword. I'm the best assassin that has ever walked the earth," Jayden confessed.

Alex was taken aback by the revelation, his eyes widening with surprise.

"Dad, now that I think about it, it makes sense. Another thing struck my mind. You never talk about your old days," Alex remarked.

Jayden's expression shifted, signaling it was time to unveil the events from the past.

"Alex, it all started 18 years ago. You see, the world works how the Imperials want it to. They control everything, and everything that happens is part of their plan," Jayden explained.

Alex was captivated and a bit frightened by Jayden's serious tone.

"What happened 18 years ago?" Alex asked curiously.

Jayden delved into the tale of the top three clans - The Nightshade clan, The Ember-legion, and The Shadowhart clan.

"It was ordered by the Imperials themselves that my assassin crew and I should eliminate the head of the Nightshade clan and its members involved in the research of the Lunar Sword. The best assassins in the ShadowHart clan were handpicked by the head of the clan, which was obviously me. So, I took 20 men with me and another team for backup and lookout. It was not an easy thing to do, I should say. It was the most difficult mission that the ShadowHart clan has ever carried out," Jayden revealed.

Alex became even more curious, questions flooding his mind.

"What happened then?" Alex eagerly inquired.

Jayden recounted the aftermath of the mission, the Night of the Moonlit Massacre.

"We eliminated the head of the clan and the research team, but that costed me my elite assassination squad and 20 men. I was so exhausted, barely able to move. However, the head of the clan was too clever; he anticipated all of this and had a plan in place before his death. A literal war broke out immediately after he died. Most of the clan members from both sides perished, and after that, it came to an end. Now, it is called the 'Night of the Moonlit Massacre,'" Jayden shared.

Alex's expression shifted from curiosity to a mix of shock and empathy.

"The Night of the Moonlit Massacre... What happened next?" Alex softly asked.

Jayden reflected on the devastating aftermath.

"The Imperials achieved their goal of eliminating the threat posed by the Nightshade clan, but the cost was immense. It wasn't just about victory; it was a brutal massacre, leaving both clans shattered. The Lunar Sword's existence became a lingering mystery, lost in the chaos of war. The world, shaped by the Imperials, moved forward, but the scars of that night still haunt those who remember," Jayden continued.

Alex, now processing the weight of the revelation, was left in thoughtful silence.

"And after that, I was crawling my way home from the Nightshade clan's base. On my way, all I could see was corpses, blood, people suffering, crying out loud for help, but in the condition I was in, I was helpless. But, Alex, something happened after that. The night ended, the sun rose, and I reached home. I was thankful that I didn't die because after that day, the next was my birthday, and I was so relieved. I reached home, expecting to celebrate it with everyone. However, when I finally reached home, the entire ShadowHart clan's place was so, so quiet, with pin-drop silence. I assumed it was from the aftermath of the war, but no one could ever imagine what was waiting for me behind that door and how my life would be changed because of that," Jayden said.

Alex was terrified, and Jayden shivered. Alex couldn't hold back his fear.

"What happened after that, Dad?" Alex anxiously asked.

Jayden stammered, the weight of the memory apparent on his face.

"Behind that door..."

The tale of the ShadowHart clan took an even more profound turn, and the moonlit night held secrets yet to be unveiled. The room remained silent, holding the echoes of a history that demanded to be confronted.


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