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When school was over, Y/n and Nano went straight towards her home for a study session. Despite the manga taking place in the same cherry season where the sakura petals fell from the trees, the two had mock exams to prepare.

Like, no shot... Mother's Day went on for at least a hundred fifty chapters now-

Shut the fuck up, author!

Back to the story, Y/n and Nano arrives. She takes the h/c into her home and brought him straight down the hallway of her house and into a bedroom that looked bland and ordinary. Y/n could tell this was truly her room, the girl pulls a small table from under her bed and to the center of the room.

She turns to him. "Where do you want to sit?" She asks as the boy observed the tabletop a bit and the positioning before making a decision.

"I'm guessing... here..." Y/n takes a random spot at the table as Nano nods. "Then I will elect this spot..." she heads for her spot.

Right next to Y/n, shoulders touching immediately as Y/n flinches at the nonexistent proximity between them. "Y-You're really close..."

"It's so I can guide you whenever you need it..."

"You could've just-"

"Let's focus... The sooner we get to it, the sooner we'll be finished..." Nano explained briefly yet efficiently as she opens a textbook for herself and studied.

In defeat, Y/n decides to study as well on a couple subjects he had trouble with. His girlfriend would guide him willingly through everything he couldn't do alone. He'd focus a lot more, especially with subjects he didn't need help with as his hand continues to scribble through the lines of his notebook.

He was in his zone for now, furrowing his eyes at every question he read before writing down his answer. It took him some time for him to understand everything while Nano was quick to finish.

She puts her pencil down and stretched her arms out a little, she turns to Y/n who was tapping the eraser tip on the table while reading his textbook and went back to writing.


Nano couldn't help but blush softly that her boyfriend was so dedicated to studying with her, she would lean close to Y/n's face and plant a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Huh?!" Y/n snaps away from his thoughts and turns to Nano who had a straight face. "I kissed your cheek..." she told Y/n.

"Oh, right..." the boy realized what that meant when she's the one to engage first in a cheek kiss, gently pulling her from under her chin and planting a kiss of his own on her cheek. As she braved for it, the soft blush continues to linger before finding him pulling back and finding his e/c eyes meeting her scarlets.

"...Thank you..."

"Yeah... No problem..."

"Do you need help with your work?"

"If you can guide me, that would be perfect..." Y/n requested, she leans back towards his side and aided him in anything that would struggle with any normal student in high school.

And after a bit of guiding and explaining and writing, Y/n was finished in half an hour. A short study session but a hard one as he leans his hands back into the ground and his head glanced at the ceiling with relief.

"I'm beat..."

"I am exhausted from studying as well..." Nano closed her eyes and sighed a little as she turns to her boyfriend who sits back up and took a drink from his bottle. She notices something on his cheek.

"You got some dirt on your face..."


"Here... I'll get it..." she doesn't hesitate to brush her fingers against his face and the small lint that hung from his cheek drops. The boy thanked her but she stayed still and quiet.


She cups her hand behind his neck and gently pulls her his way.


A quick kiss on the lips which left a flustered gasp from the h/c. "N-Nano-"

"Mmm..." she doesn't hesitate for another kiss as this was a longer and more desperate attempt this time despite her inexpressive nature. Her eyes closed and her free hand pulls his body more to get a rougher feel of the session.

It didn't take long for Y/n to finally give in as he nearly fell onto her body, propping his arm beside her body to keep himself from putting his weight on her. He was in between her legs covered in her long leggings but the intent was nothing but wholesome passion as his attention was nothing but on Nano and her pleading kisses, he doesn't stops.

He doesn't want to, all this time that he thought Nano thought of him as nothing but a pretend boyfriend and becoming a real one in the end felt surreal. But she was his and the same could be said with him to her, the heat of the moment gets hotter as Y/n was ready to pull Nano off the ground and continue this on the comfortable bed.

Knock! Knock...

Immediately hearing the sound of Nano's door knocking, he gets off of Nano and in time to find a masculine figure walking in with a couple of drinks and snacks on a plate. "My daughter! My amazing son-in-law! I've come with snacks!"

"We're not even engaged yet..."

"Soon, my son! You are my perfect boy for my daughter after all!" The father of Nano sets the snacks down on the table and pats both of Y/n's shoulders happily. "I'm truly thankful that someone like you loves my daughter!" He expressed his gratitude to the h/c.

Y/n would turn to Nano who was watching with a hint of bashfulness on her cheeks and her somewhat widened eyes. It seems that the words that his father expressed so clearly and freely moved her, a sign that the feelings for him was still mutual as he smiled softly and nods. "I should be thanking Nano for giving me a chance... and you for raising an amazing girl..."

Stroking the man's ego, he smirks. "That's what fathers do best! Anyways, don't stay too late before you're late for your family's onsen!"

"I won't... Thank you..." Y/n said before heading back to Nano who sat at the table while her father left. He grabs the drink which seems to be an ice cold glass of tea on the table and so does Nano. "Your father's nice..." Y/n sparks some small talk.

"He is too nice... I wish our time wasn't interrupted... That wasted some insignificant time for ourselves..."

"I know... but he just cares about you... He loves you to death, Nano..."

"...You're right... It was rude for me to talk so poorly of him..."

"It's nothing to worry about... but I do have to leave soon so it was good someone reminded me..."

Nano stays silent after that. Y/n notices this and scoots closer to her. "Come on... Cheer up..."


"Do you even know what's tomorrow?"


Suddenly, her eyes widens, remembering that there was a double date tomorrow with Y/n and his friend, Rentaro at the pool.

But is it still considered a double date if Rentaro is bringing three girl-

Shut up, Noodle!

Anyways, Nano was more than excited as the tint of pink appears on her face. "See? There's always something to-"

"Y/n L/n's body..."

"Okay-" Y/n chuckled midway through his sentence. "That's what you're looking forward to?"

Nano glanced back at Y/n with a soft flushing face. That answered his question as he smiled more. "If that's the case, I hope I'll be up to your expectations..."

"You will, Y/n L/n..."

"Really? I truly hope so..." Y/n continues with his small gleeful attitude as he spent the remaining time talking and giving small PDAs to Nano until the time for Y/n to leave to work at his family's onsen arrived.

Nano Eiai x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now