~I~ The Protégé

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It wasn't easy for Andromeda to sit still during her classes. Her foot absentmindedly tapped the floor and the rhythmical sound carried through the large classroom. She was equal parts nervous and excited about the coming day, a fact which she didn't let stop her from taking the meticulous notes she was known for. 

Her pen darted on the paper, carefully writing down everything that the professor wrote on the blackboard. Most of them she already knew but there were a few that she would undoubtedly have to practice during her long train ride if she wanted to stay on top of the work.

And that she did want. 

She fell into a sort of trance, completely blocking out the world around her. The only thing she saw was the white chalk drawing lines on the dark surface. She was only forced out of the strange state when she heard someone's annoyed voice on her right.

"Can you stop that?"

The girl turned and met the stern gaze of Euphemia Price. 

"Stop what?" she asked, although she was almost sure what the blonde was referring to.

"Kicking the floor! It's driving me insane!"

Andromeda rolled her eyes as she stopped her leg from moving. Her friend mouthed a quiet 'thank you' before turning her attention back to the class. 

There were only a few minutes left until the metallic sound of the bell informed all the students that the day was over. The girl quickly threw her books into the bag she always carried and walked out of the classroom long before most of her peers could even get out of their seats. She intended to get home as quickly as she could. 

She had chores to do, homework to fill out, and a bed to get to, the earlier the better. She wanted to be rested for the following day, a task which wouldn't be was to complete since her train was supposed to leave the station at five in the morning. 

Her plan of leaving the school grounds before anyone could rope her into a conversation was interrupted by the very same person who bothered her in class. 

"Andromeda, wait!" Euphemia exclaimed, jogging to catch up with the girl. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I just have some things to do at home," the brunette answered dismissively. "What's up?"

"Well, I wanted to ask if you're going to watch the Reaping with us tomorrow," her friend chirped. "Orion had this great idea to gather a few people together and place their first bets on the tributes. You can always tell which ones came to play, you know?"

Andromeda's stomach twisted at the girl's easy tone. It was the same one she used whenever she talked about her new crushes or the pretty dresses she added to her birthday Wishlist. 

"I can't."

An exaggerated frown grew on Euphemia's face. She put her perfectly groomed hands together in a pleading gesture.

"Please, don't be a buzzkill! Orion begged me to get you to come! Just between the two of us, I'm pretty sure that threw this whole thing together mostly because he hoped to spend some more time with you."

"I can't," Andromeda repeated, this time with a harsher voice. 

"But why? What else could you possibly have to do..."

"The Reaping Euphemia!" The girl could barely stop herself from screaming. "I have to be back in Four for when it happens! They can pull my name, do you realise that?!"

Her friend's face fell. 

"Oh, right," she hesitated. "I... Forgot that, you know, you were still a possibility."

panem et circenses II Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now